Wednesday 14 April 2010

Chilling out with the Challis'

We stayed in Launceston for a couple of nights before heading home to Hobart. It was great to be around all the family again and the kids especially loved playing with their cousins. I wasn't really with it for most of our time here because I was so unwell, which kind of sucked but I feel really thankful that I was able to rest and take it easy and not have to worry about food or entertaining the kids! Gail and Philip looked after us all really well - as usual, so being sick wasn't too bad. Here are some photos we took over the couple of days we were up there:

{We celebrated Christmas again while we were here and it was great! (It actually did feel like Christmas too!)}

{Emily checking baby in between present opening}

{Emily showing baby the roll-up she got from her stocking!}

{And within seconds of pulling out a....}

{... fruit-box, Emily gave a quick pose and then...}

{... she was into it!!!}

{Pretty happy about Sultanas - one of Em's favourite foods!}

{Outside jumping off the jetlag! (which actually none of the kids suffered from at all!)}

{Em and Daddy having a kiss - check out Max on the side - Classic!}

{Leilani checking Grandmas Advent Calendar}

{And the cutest scene ever was watching Emily and Leilani reading to Gus!}

They are both little 'mothers' and just love 'helping' with little kids (who are often just as big as them!)

{Mick had to get a photo in the sun to send his work mates back at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton! They have had an average of 0˚C this winter... while we have been living it up back here in Summer!}


lauracritchfield said...

wow lots of cool pics. I guess Em just loves her baby then? I am thinkng of getting Kobe a doll because he wants to hold Jesse ALL the time and it's driving me nuts. I don't care if Mark won't let him have a doll...I will just have to hide it when he appears..LOL. Can't believe how big Gus is and how much blonde curly hair he has...cute kid!

Nettie's Blog said...

how wonderful that you had allthe cousins there together...i love the mothering thing happening there...
Mick is such a tease ..those work buddies will be so envious...
touble is they will be coming into the summer about now and soon we will be back into the cold weather ...but i guess not as cold as there hey???

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

Nice photos han :) cool stuff in the girls stockings, glad it felt like christmas agai!! Em so cute with her doll hehe, they are very good helpers with the little one's, cute to watch.

Blanche said...

I love it when you get to celebrate special days like Christmas and Birthdays more than just on the one day they roll around. Nothing beats fun times with family.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!