Wednesday 2 June 2010

Moving in

So it turns out I do still know how to upload photos! I thought I may had forgotten. I have been having some time away from blog land - still checking in on a few favourites every now and again but I have been really enjoying my time away from the computer. I was glued to it last year - it being my main way of keeping contact with everyone so it's been nice to get away. I don't really think I am 'back' as such but currently have a bit of a head cold happening so figure I may as well do a post while I'm sitting on the couch sniffing!

Here are some 'moving in' photos, taken in the first week of February. These were exciting days, getting to open up boxes we packed 12 months ago - how fun! I was quite shocked at how many things I had forgotten I had.

We hardly heard a word from these two little girls, they stayed in their new room for hours getting reunited with all the dolls, toys and books they said goodbye to this time last year.

All our stuff arrived from storage on day one - which was pretty much just boxes, white goods, our beds and more boxes. We unpacked a fair bit of that and then the next day Dad brought up the rest of our furniture which we had at their place.

We had lots of helpers, which we are really grateful for, but none were quite as cute as these two... they were very helpful and always asking what they could do. On this occasion they were given a couch cushion to carry up the hill. It was very funny to watch... and it took them quite a while to work out the best way to carry it together!

It was exciting getting the cubby back, and quite entertaining watching these 3 carry it!

We're not sure how long this will be our home for, but we really like it!


Elle said...

About time yu stopped having a life and started blogging... I remember those girls carrying that cushion.. it was pretty funny!!

Nettie's Blog said...

I second what your rude sisiter said about it being too long away from the computer so it is noce to atch up with you again....welcome back to the land of Blog....
love that Cubby house!!!!!

Rebecca said...

your house looks nice Hannah! hope you love living there.

Kate Jury said...

isnt it fun getting everything out of storage. our stuff went in for 3 months a few years ago and getting it again was so exciting. especially for the boys. cant imagine how excited your girls were to have things back after a year!

The Kings said...

looks lovely! I have missed your regular posts! :)

lauracritchfield said...

So I have been checking your "today" blog for the last month and NOTHING...then I'm like "might just look at her other blog just in case" and yep you have annoyed that I hadn't seen this before..but whatever. House looks good - the wooden floors look nice. Anyway nice that you are blogging again..well we'll see

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!