Monday 17 August 2009

Taunton to London Paddington to London St Pancras to Gare du Nord to Charles de Gaulle - 5 Stations in One Day!

We took the Eurostar from London to Paris on Friday 17th July. It takes 2 hours to get to London from Taunton by train, and then another 2 hours on the Eurostar to Paris. Emily was exhausted when I read the itinerary to her and she was out of it before we even got to London!

Her little nap left her feeling great, and she was awake and alert on the Eurostar journey across the South East of England, through the underwater tunnel across the English Channel, and down into Paris.

These photos could have been all we had left of our computer, and during those 5 days when it was gone I stared at these photos with sad eyes for quite some time... longing to have it back!

Here I am counting all my Euros.... 10 for Mick.... 50 for me.... 10 for Mick... 50 for me....

When the kids weren't jumping on Grandma & Grandad they read and listened to the ipod!

It was exciting heading to France, getting another stamp in the passport, wondering if it would be all that I had imagined it to be! The kids were good on the train and I am becoming quite fond of travelling by train - it's better for the environment than a plane and you are free to move around a bit more. You can get some cheap flights from London to Paris though, but by the time we added the kids and baggage it worked out cheaper to catch the train. We didn't have to pay for baggage or Emily, which I am glad about cause it was kinda fun thinking you were under the water on a train!!

We didn't see any of Paris when we arrived because we were straight on another train to our hotel, which was near the airport and the TGV station (high speed train) from which it only takes 10 minutes to get to Disneyland. I thought I had planned well and made things easy by staying close to the train station, so we could get to Disneyland nice and early and enjoy the day there... I didn't realise that disaster was going to strike!!!


Debbie said...

It's great to hear about what we did because I've forgotten lots of the details. It looks like the race is on to see who can report the happenings first!

Nettie's Blog said...

What disaster...tell oh do tell...please...i hope it is not toooo bad?????

Claire said...

I love that you've got Mick on a budget:)

ali b said...

even though i know the outcome, i feel's like watching a movie after the book, holding your breath waiting for disaster only to know it works out in the end...!! good work though.
emily and lani look so cute in all the photos carrying their new toys etc around all the time. and the sleeping, i love the sleeping!

Ange Carmichael said...

At least you got a happy ending! xx

Nikki said...

Em looks so cute with the head phones on. And yes I am curious about this disaster! Looking forwards to pics of Disneyland!! xxo

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!