Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Like mother like child

Also like father..... but that's not how the saying goes!!! So anyway, I just wanted to point out that I didn't actually rearrange anything from our lovely Christmas tree! Our kids just obviously have many of their mother and fathers OCD traits!!! Admittedly they did more dancing and singing and playing with the one bit of tinsel we own then actually putting stuff on the tree - but what they did hang they did a pretty good job of!!! I did remove a few very old paint chipped foam balls that got put on by mistake, but other than that - the kids did a pretty good job with finding a good place for the decorations they picked out!! But yes... Mick and I did do alot of the decorating!! 
Thanks for all the comments on our tree though everyone - it's nice being able to share what your tree looks like because usually we are all so busy at this time of year we don't actually get around to see many other peoples trees. 
Our tree has come along way in 5 years!!! Our first Christmas together our Tree was decorated with 12 Gold Baubles, 12 Red Bauble and 10 small stars from chickenfeed. Add a little every year and it starts getting quite full! I love it!! Although nothing competes with a real Christmas tree - which is what I grew up with. The day we would go out looking for one - best day ever!!! Pity they were usually dead by Christmas though!!

Here are some snaps I took today just before we were heading out!!



Carli said...

In red and white they look so sweet - your girls are lovely.

Cullis Family said...

Emily and Leilani are so cute!

Elisa said...

I just love Emily's cheeks! They are gorgeous! Both girls look gorgeous! What a cute pair.

make it perfect said...

dear hannah,

could you please post one picture on your blog that shows a messy house?


love toni

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!