Monday 3 August 2009


The girls were so excited to see Grandma & Grandad finally walk through that door!! After a few hugs we were out of there - on the train to Paddington Station and then on the TUBE to our hotel. The week Mum and Dad arrived Britain was experiencing a heat wave. It was pretty hot, especially on the Underground. We spent the next 3 nights in London seeing the sights, well some of them anyway, here are just a few pics!

Parliament Buildings & Big Ben from the London Eye

Not sure!!

Buckingham Palace

Westminster Abbey

On the bus tour

Buckingham Palace

The Tower Bridge, which everyone thinks is the London Bridge (including me) but found out it's not, the London Bridge is actually next to it!

The Tower of London

County Hall

Lani on the bus tour with her free activity pack!

Lani, Emily and Grandad at the Docklands

Mum outside St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

Mum up the top of St Paul's Cathedral, well on the middle level!

Tower Bridge from inside the Tower of London

In the Tower of London, they were holding a Henry VIII exhibition, here we have the executioner with Anne Boleyn and a few others.

London was pretty hot and hectic - as always, but I like it in small doses! We were all excited to get home on Monday though, especially the girls so that they could show Grandma & Grandad their new home! There was still so much of London we didn't get to see though, but I guess that's London for you!


maree said...

Glad to see some photos of the travellers. The girls look happy with Grandad.

Elle said...

well it was nice to see mum and dad in some photos - I started to wonder if they did actually go to London or if they just secretly went to Bruny Island for a month... after all they never bothered to call.... or ask to pick them up from the aiport...

Debbie said...

so I see you've been busy since we left,catching up on blogs. I hope Elle was joking about that airport comment. I did try to ring and leave a message so I hope someone is there to meet us.

lauracritchfield said...

yes the blogs have been a bit slow coming - now that mum is home we may not be interested in knowing what she did...ha ha
I can't wait to get there...

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!