Wednesday 24 June 2009

First and Worst

After our special visitors left on Saturday we drove for a couple of hours and spent the first 2 nights in Kenilworth, Warwickshire so we could visit Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick Castle the next 2 days. Our first night was our worst night out of all 8 and after it we both wondered 'why anyone would go on a holiday with kids!!!' The girls shared a double bed and found it more fun to kick each other and giggle than actually go to sleep. Eventually they did get to sleep but they both woke a couple of times during the night (went straight back to sleep - but it's very annoying when you are not used to it). Not sure why they woke this night, but thankfully it was the only night they did and they slept well every other night - so it all ended up okay!!! Oh, to add to the 'worst night' I had a horrible horrible pillow which felt like I was sleeping on a brick! I am a very picky pillow picker, and was very annoyed that I forgot my own!!

Emily was exciting to be staying in a HOMETEL, as she calls it! And they both had fun jumping from one bed to the other!

We had dinner in the restaurant on the first night - which ended up being the only night too! We don't eat out in restaurants very much - in fact I think this could have been our first one since being here. Not sure why really - guess it can be expensive and not really all that enjoyable with little kids anyway - and it usually means a late night! The meal was nice though and the kids enjoyed eating with big forks and drinking from very big glasses!!!

Emily finishing off her Honeydew Melon.

Water tastes so good out of a special glass! Lani was quite proud of herself!


Debbie said...

it's good you've had a practice staying in HOMETELS.
Now they know what to expect for 2WEEKS IN FRANCE

lauracritchfield said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. Sometimes I wonder why people eat out with kids, but some people do all the time. We go to a restaurant and bring the food home...well that is what Mark prefers to do anyway!! Can't wait to hear about those other nights and days though...

Blanche said...

just finished catching up on what you've been up to. Must be so interesting going to these historic places, learning more about people who have helped shape the world. How awesome to stand in their homes, gardens, streets and wonder what their life was like...ok I'm just a wee bit envious!!

Gail Challis said...

We found restaurants quite expensive so mainly ate in the pubs.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!