Thursday 15 October 2009

London Zoo

On Sunday we had a nice big sleep in for a change, and then decided to go to the London Zoo for the afternoon. We had a good day and the girls enjoyed it, however I was a little disappointed with the Zoo, and it was pretty expensive. I think I am a pretty harsh judge though because I have been to quite a few different zoos and I have been to some really good ones - so it was going to take a lot to impress me! We have been thinking about which zoo to go to for quite a while because there are so many here, we heard that the London Zoo was pretty good - so thought we may as well give it a try - but I guess you can't believe everything you hear!!!

All that said, Leilani and Emily did enjoy it, the weather was nice and they had an excellent playground and some very interactive activities for the kids. There was a lot of entertainment for the kids actually, and in some ways it was more of a park than a zoo.

Little miss Leilani is growing up so much, on our way to the zoo she says 'Did you know that you spell zoo Z-O-O!!! We have been talking a lot lately about letters and words and sounds but we were still quite impressed that she just came out with this - without even seeing the Zoo sign yet!!!!

Snakes really do freak me out, but not so much that I never want to return to Australia! We have had quite a few people mention that they would not be able to live in Australia because of the snakes and spiders! I had one lady say to me the other day 'I just don't think I could manage flying that far, and I would never be able to get off the plane knowing all those spiders were around me!' I mean what do you even say to that!!! lol
I think people watch too many of those Australia's Most Deadliest shows over here, and Tourism Australia needs to do something about it!! It's not like they are just in the houses and gardens everywhere and roaming the streets! And death from a snake or spider bite is pretty unheard of these days, which means you often forget about all those deadly creatures out there in the Australian bush! Although if I lived in sydney I might be a little worried about the funnel web!!... and we have had white-tails in our house before... and I do have to remind myself that seeing snakes in summer around the pool at the Harriss' house as a kid was not uncommon!!! (Bet we all have a few story's about that we could tell huh Woolley kids!) Mmm.... the more I think about it... maybe these people do have a point!!!

Anyway, I really can't stay in the 'reptile areas' for too long or I start getting the shivers!!!

The Lion and cubs were pretty cool, although they were quite hard to see and we didn't get to hear a roar like the Carmichael's did at the Melbourne zoo!

In the playground jungle... video to come about this!!

The eye of the tiger really is fascinating! You just wonder what she/he is thinking! Zoos actually make me quite sad, and I feel sorry for the animals in them - I even decided whilst here that I am actually against zoos!!!! (Not really, as I am sure they do a lot of good too - but it does make me think!)

The girls got to crawl through a tunnel and pop up in a glass dome over a hole surrounded by the meerkats! It was pretty clever - but we didn't take any photos, just video!

And Emily's favourite, the giraffe! She was so excited to finally see one, because they were one of the last things we saw - and one of the first things Emily said she wanted to see!


Debbie said...

I'm glad that Emily got to see her Giraffe. It looks like they had a great time. I'm not a great zoo enthusiast either but I guess they do a lot of research and stuff so they aren't all bad.

maree said...

love your new heading and the zoo looks like fun.

Elle said...

yes snake and spiders do freak me out too!! And people DO carry on like idiots when they talk about Australia and all the deadly creatures we have.. but yes, when you think about it, they probably DO have a point!!!!

Anyway, the zoo doens't look to bad. Lani is pretty clever for spelling it!! I agree with Emily, the Zebra's are wicked awesome!!!!

Kate Jury said...

I love Leilani's double glasses....SHe is very cool. Starting a new trend no doubt :)

Blanche said...

phew! I've just caught up on several of your posts! You always have so much to tell, it's great but if I miss more than one, I really have to go somewhere I know I wont be interrupted. I love the way you write just like you are speaking, I can so easily picture you saying everything you write. BTW I love the b&w photos.

Bride said...

Your new header is gorgeous! I love going to the zoo, as long as it's been about a year in between. Mia was pretty little when we took her last time, and after seeing your girls at the zoo, i want to take her again soon.
You captured some great shots of the animals, especially the Lions.

The Kings said...

Awesome photos AGAIN!! :)

When I lived in the US I got so sick of explaining that we DON'T have kangaroos jumping down every street and crocodiles aren't everywhere. There are too many crazy movies out there about outback Australia and the rest of the world thinks that is what we all live in!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!