Tuesday 20 October 2009

Sweet Emily May

Emily went for a walk with her Dad one Sunday afternoon. They walked up to the park, past the golf club and along some bush path. It's really nice to spend time with each of the girls on their own. They always seem so well behaved when they are with you without the other - not sure if it's because they know that it's a special time between you and them or if it's just because there's no one else around to steal the spotlight!

Emily is fascinated with her shadow at the moment and often talks about it! Shadows are fun and she was extra excited to find it inside the other day! The girls use their torches at night to make shapes on the wall but most of all they just like watching it when we are outside - seeing what they can get it to do!

Emily is such a sweet little girl and although she likes to copy her big sister a lot she has quite a personality of her own. She knows what she wants and what she doesn't want - although we haven't really had a tantrum from Emily yet, instead when she gets upset she will have a bit of a loud cry but then calm down quite quickly, sometimes she will even take herself to the step and count to 5! Emily is quick to say sorry and often knows when a sorry is needed. She doesn't like other people being upset and likes to try and make things better. Emily gives lovely cuddles which usually include a little tap on the back with her tiny hand! She is always excited to see you and her smile is infectious! She does get up to a bit of mischief though - drawing on herself is the most common! If she gets into a tug of war with someone over something, she won't give in and stands her ground, but we have found if someone asks nicely for something she might have she will nearly always give it up (Leilani tries to take advantage of her kind nature!!!!) Em still loves her Minnie Mouse and sleeps with it every night. She likes to sing and dance and sit down and watch some TV. She loves puzzles and books and playing hide and seek.... although she is pretty good at jumping out before you find her! Her sweet little voice can become quite loud at times and she is pretty good at not hearing if you ask her to be quiet. When she gets the giggles it's pretty hard to not laugh with her and she loves to say, "just one more time" whilst holding her finger up! She is good at tackling and will lay on top of Lani for ages as a defence! She adores her big sister and loves to play with her. She loves yoghurt, honey sandwiches, and milo and toast. She loves cucumber, strawberries and cakes and biscuits. She has beautiful blonde hair and big dark eyes. We love Emily and love watching her grow and change everyday.


Debbie said...

I want one of those cuddles.

Liseee said...

She is so grown up now.... Halle likes her shadow at the moment, she wiggles her fingers in the air and laughs because her shadow does the same thing. Can't wait till the girls can play together, Em will need a playmate when Lani goes to school.

Elle said...

emily is awesome lol. I can't believe how much she has changed just seeing the photos!!
I love how she like her shadow lol!! this was a cool post!!

Elle said...

emily is awesome lol. I can't believe how much she has changed just seeing the photos!!
I love how she like her shadow lol!! this was a cool post!!

Elle said...

emily is awesome lol. I can't believe how much she has changed just seeing the photos!!
I love how she like her shadow lol!! this was a cool post!!

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

Gr8 post on Em, han! She sounds like the sweetest little girl anyone could ask for!! We cant wait for one of those snuggle cuddles from her and to give xx

lauracritchfield said...

Does Elle always comment 3 times? Anyway I am getting excited to see the girls. Maybe I could bring Emily back here and you can have Kobe for a while..lol. Kobe has started to chuck small tantrums so hopefully I can put a stop to them before they get worse..or he gets bigger and stronger...

Ange Carmichael said...

Emily is such a sweetie, she reminds me alot of Locke at times, even in their looks - I think we are going to notice the growth change in her the most. I think she will quite like playing the 'big' cousin role when you get home.

ali b said...

i think it's good to spend some time alone too, but i do find that jasper misses out a bit. i have to take bessy with me most of the time, and if i do leave her and go to the shops etc, marty will often want to come so i let him as he's the easiest (!!). so poor little jasper misses out. i am aware of it though so hope to change it.
also about the washing up. marty always used to want to help. he's given up a bit lately, probably because all i let him do was put the things in the water...! he thinks he's doing a great job though.
jasper was a bit like emi - would get upset for a bit then calm down, but lately he's been crying, well sobbing actually, for a very long time after the event. it's almost like he thinks he has to do it! probably cos that's what marty does. i was cutting dean's hair the other day and he soaked himself with the water spray so i took it off him. he went and stood near the garden and wouldn't stop crying. i eventually had to tell him he could have a biscuit. immediate stop - a bit bad i know...and you saw the blood, well that didn't worry him, but tonight marty came inside and said jasper threw a rock at his foot. i told him to come in and have tea anyway. he took his shoes off and there was 'fud'. as soon as he saw it he started crying, couldn't walk, needed a bandaid, needed a sock, etc etc.!!!!!
sorry about the VERY long comment, i just kept going, now don't want to waste the time i spent deleting it, so you'll have to read it!!

ali b said...

it's very late, jez is at the 'boxing', i may be delerious, should be in bed...i'm going now

Gail Challis said...

Emily has such a wonderful personality. I just loved watching her little expressions and getting those spontaneous hugs while we were there. We miss her, but it was so exciting to talk to both the girls during the week. It makes the separation so much easier. Count down is on!!!
Give both the girls a big hug and kiss from Gma and Poppa.

Bride said...

what a beautiful post. What a sweet little girl! I can't believe she doesn't throw tantrums. you are SO lucky! Mia has them down pat. lol
Mia does the one finger, one more time too. cute aren't they?
I hope the washing up continues, looks as if they were enjoying it... that's awesome!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!