Sunday 15 November 2009

Caravan Fun

Our Caravan was very squishy but was very relaxing. We wanted to try and see lots of things in Cornwall but we were also feeling a bit lazy and just wanted to relax and take it easy for a few days. So we tried to get in early most days (late afternoon) so that we had time to lay around and do nothing. I read. Mick read & watched telly and the girls did all sorts of things! It was GREAT! I nearly read a whole book - another one by Erica James. I love the way she writes and the way she makes you feel like you know each of the characters personally and have known them for years. Every time I finish one of Erica's books I usually end up feeling a bit sad the next day because I feel like I have lost some friends!! (Do you ever feel like that when you finish a book?) Anyway, it's such a great feeling laying around reading, knowing that you don't have washing or ironing or dishes that need doing. You have so much more time when you don't have to cook dinner - tinned soup doesn't require any preparation and hardly any clean up! So we spent lots of time laying around in front of the little fire reading books and drinking hot chocolate... what a great life!

{The girls eating breakfast one morning... with red cheeks from sitting by the fire!}

{Ready for bed.... this room was so tiny... the girls thought it was great! Although Emily did fall out of bed one night!}

{Some jumping!}

{Outside our van! Leilani was hoping it was going to have wheels on it - when we told her we were going to stay in a caravan she started telling us how we will be able to get whatever we want while we are driving! I think she watched a show once about caravans... we had to explain that it wouldn't be one that we can drive!}


lauracritchfield said...

That looks so much fun...the jumping I mean. I hope my kids are good friends like Lani and Emily seem to be. Anyway trip looks fun.

Debbie said...

It's a pity Lani's thoughts didn't quite turn out to be true, but she was on the right track.

Poppa said...

Lani may suffer from trauma when she is in an Australian class and tries to explain the caravan her family stayed in had no wheels. How weird will that be?

Blanche said...

so where was the fire? in the caravan?
looks like fun. Cold but fun.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!