Tuesday 22 December 2009

The Carmichael girls hit the streets of London

It was great to be in London for the last few days of November to see all the Christmas lights and festive stuff happening... and great to be there with my 2 sisters. It was cold but it didn't rain until the day we were coming home - so we were quite happy about that. We got to do and see quite a few things and the kids were all fantastic pretty much the whole time, which we were all really grateful for. London is such a tiring place though - there is always something to look at and you always do so much walking! It's such a huge place with so many different attractions - and I still haven't seen everything I would like to. (And I have been like 5 times now!)

Here are some random photos of our 3 days in London...

Lani in the Christmas shop at Harrods - I was excited to finally get to see Harrods - it's been on the list every time I have been - but this was the first time I actually made it!

{Elle took all of the following photos!}

{Emily checking under the Christmas tree for presents!}

Another look at Buckingham Palace. We tried to get to the Changing of the Guards, but missed it by about 15 minutes, so we were a bit disappointed.

We went to the Christmas Markets in Hyde Park - these were great actually, they had rides and everything, it was more like a show really!!!!

Lani and I went on Santa's Rollercoaster! It was really fun, Lani just loves them and she gets so excited!

It's amazing how many times you can see something and it can look different every time! Each time I have been to London I have seen Big Ben from a different spot - it's fascinating really, because it kinda feels like it's your first time there again!

One of the very few photos I have of Laura! We really didn't get that many shots of each other - I think it's really hard to take photos in the cold - because no one wants to stand still for more than a second cause they will turn blue - that and the fact that it's kinda hard to take photos when you are pushing a pram!! It's a bit of a shame really - it would have been nice to have a photographer just follow us around all day!

German Christmas Markets at Southwark, these were a lot smaller than the ones in Hyde Park, but had some great things to look at.... like tons of lollies!!!! (Mmmm.... we tried just a few!)

Leilani and Emily were very happy to be showing Kobe the London Eye! They still love it up there... unlike Aunty Elle! She discovered she has a bit of a height fear!!

{Elle staying back!}

Some photos I took of the skyline.... I thought the clouds were looking kinda coolish!

Kobe and his new friend! He is not shy this kid! He spent quite a while standing near this young boy watching him play on his mobile phone (or DS or something)!

Back in Harrods.... well we only went once - these photos are just way out of order!

Walking through the last of the Autumn leaves in Green Park (between Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park).

{Emily and Leilani reunite after a few moments apart!}

Lani looking after Kobe!

{Entrance to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park}

Elle and Laura strolling along!

Elle checking out the Candy Floss! (I love how it's called Candy Floss, Cotton Candy and Fairy Floss... how did a bit of spun sugar get so many names!!!!??)

{Oxford Street}

Oxford Street was SO unbelievably busy! I mean, you kinda expect that Oxford street is going to be pretty busy - especially with Christmas coming up - but this was super crazy! We didn't really shop much along here - just soaked in the atmosphere!

I think this photo of Elle in Oxford street is kinda cool with the bus all blury and transparent!

Leilani entertaining herself on the tube...

She normally takes the tube rides quite seriously actually and is very aware that we all have to get on and off at the same time! (I'm guessing this comes from losing Emily and Grandad and nearly missing our train in France). She always checks to make sure if everyone is on now and asks when our stop is! She got quite worried at one point when Elle got on through another door and she couldn't see her! I had to explain that Elle was on the train and everything was fine.... unlike the time when Elle got on in the carriage behind because it was pretty full and we all said to each other GREEN PARK.... get off at GREEN PARK... anyway all was fine until Elle got off at the next stop thinking that was 'ours.' I was just standing there minding my own business when I hear Laura say (she was down the other end) 'Just get back on'..... I look up and Elle is standing outside the train..... I'm then wondering what the hell is going on and Laura repeats herself 'Just get back on!' 2 seconds later the doors shut and we wave Elle and EMILY goodbye!!! lol We weren't too worried because we knew that Elle knew she was supposed to get off at Green Park - she was obvioulsy just having a blonde moment!!!! It was pretty damn funny though because everyone was then looking at us and we were just laughing and shaking our heads thinking 'what was she doing!!!!' (She caught the next one - which was only 2 minutes behind and everything was fine... and funny!) We have certainly learnt that the tube waits for no-one!


Debbie said...

It all does look so exciting. Better suck it all in because it's coming to an end. You are so lucky to get to see London so many times. And we are so lucky to get to see it with you through your pics and stories.

Stephen and Chernoa said...

Hey Hannah:) Great post:D YEs we are still alive just busy...will post tonight for you though:) love ya and miss you guys heaps...CANT WAIT until you get home soooo excitting;)


P.S. Hey lani and em...miss you heaps too:)

maree said...

London does look exciting at Christmas Harods christmas shop looks like great shopping.It must be exciting having snow does London decorate lots. would love to see some night lights.

Elle said...

BA HA HA HA - yes those tube doors - sometimes it's just better to stay right back and not risking getting on, even when laura is yelling 'ELLE GET BACK ON... GET BACK ON'!! -

Aimee said...

woooo, look at all those lollies! great photos...funny about the train story with elle, fun times by the sounds. tassie is going to seem so boring to you now! at least you have good memories (and photos) to keep forever.

lauracritchfield said...

WOW you did do a lot of blogging yesterday - can't believe this is only LONDON...but then again we probably didnt really get too many photos elsewhere. Anyway I can't really believe I have been and gone already...it just sucks how that happens..LOL Although I am so glad we got out of there when we did cause Kobe had a pretty bad week with his teeth the week after we got back and he has become a bit angry and throws stuff. If Emily was scared then she would be double scared of him now.

Claire said...

Really funny about Elle getting off at the wrong stop... !! The markets look great, would love to have an afternoon for a browse around!! :)

Can't wait to see you guys in just a few weeks.. (might seem a little less interesting back here though..)

Ange Carmichael said...

I love the pic of you an Lani on the rollercoaster...

So we wont be home until late tonight, but am thinking we should try to get online before chrissy if possible??

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!