Monday 7 December 2009

Laura & Kobe Arrive

On Monday morning the girls and I got up early and drove to London Heathrow Airport to pick up Aunty Laura and Kobe. Laura ended up arriving a little early and we got delayed on the highway because of an accident and rainy weather so we ended up being a little late - which turned into a lot late when I went to the wrong terminal!! We couldn't contact each other because Laura's phone didn't work and she couldn't work out how to call my mobile (because she has only ever called it from USA with different dialing codes!) Anyway - I finally worked out that she must be at the new terminal, which is quite a fair way from terminal 1 2 & 3! And whilst heading there I got a call from Dad to confirm that's where Laura was waiting! When we finally got there Laura was freezing and Kobe was asleep, I think Laura was very glad to see us! We stopped at a roadside services so the kids could get out and have a short break from being stuck in the car. I got them each a magazine (or MAZAGINE as they both call it!!) to entertain them on the long drive back home. They had fun playing with Kobe as well, and trying to pick up his toys when he would drop them!! The girls were so good though, because we were pretty much in the car for 7 hours. Kobe was a very good boy too and woke up for a little while and then went back to sleep!

After some settling in time and dinner we gave Kobe his birthday present because he turned 1 just a few days before his big trip!

{He had fun watching the girls open them!!!}

{Checking to see if his Mum was still there!}

{Kobe seemed very happy with his little tin of farm animals!}

{And even happier with his push along barking dog!}

{Emily wishing she could have a go!}

Kobe was very happy and made himself right at home in no time! He is such a cutie and is walking so well... and climbing.... and opening cupboards.. and pulling things off shelves! We found that our home is not so much baby and toddler proof anymore! Mmmm.... we had forgotten what it's like to have a cute little 1 year old around!!


Debbie said...

He does look right at home.

lauracritchfield said...

Yeah your photos are way better than mine - I want a nice camera...LOO. Anyway sorry about all the broken and ruined things in your house that you will be finding when packing. BUT look at it this way - you will have way less to take home...he he
That photo of Emily is a crack up really...Kobe does look happy doesn't he!!!

Ange Carmichael said...

It must have been so fun to have Laura and Kobe visit especially for the girls ahhh if only we got to visit too, boo hoo, oh well maybe next time ;).

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

cool birthday present for kobe, i bet he loved it...!! Glad you had a fun time catching up..! I wish we could of all come to visit and stay and just to hang out...!! Not long now xx

The Kings said...

Oh I forgot you guys had a Kobe in the family too!! Cute name and cute boy :)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!