Thursday 3 December 2009

'Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he can not enter into the Kingdom of God' John 3:5

On Sunday 15th November, Taunton ward had their Primary presentation in Sacrament meeting. Leilani is the youngest by quite a few years but was very brave and sat up the front with everyone else. It was her first primary presentation so we felt quite excited about it (and a little nervous!) She had been practicing her scripture all week, but never said it all completely through without help - until Sunday morning when she was practicing with Aunty Elle. This is what happened...

Leilani: 'Elle, I am just going to practice my scripture in my head for a minute'
Elle: 'Well you can do it out loud if you want?'
Leilani: 'Okay.... Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God... Elle - I just did it all without any help!'
Elle: 'Well done Lani, that's excellent'
Leilani: 'Mum, Mum something exciting has just happened!'
Me: 'What's happened?'
Leilani: 'I just said my scripture all by my self without any help!'
Me: 'That's great Lani, well done!'
Leilani: 'Dad, Dad something exciting has just happened...' (etc)

So it was a very entertaining morning! We then went to church (we have Sacrament meeting last) and I'm told that during practice time in Primary Leilani told her teacher she didn't need any help and went and said her scripture perfectly!!!!

The presentation was excellent and the kids all did a wonderful job. Leilani was quite entertaining (for us anyway) as she was having trouble sitting still - I think she was getting nervous! She is normally the quietest in primary - but today she was the wriggliest, most distracting little girl, laughing and smiling at everyone!!! She had to hold up some pictures during the presentation and was standing on her very tip-toes trying to be as tall as she could! When it was her turn to go up to the microphone, Janet - her teacher took her and held her (because she couldn't reach the mic!) Janet had to help her get started, but then she was fine and said it all really well. We were very proud of her and so glad that she was brave enough to do it! It was fun watching Lani up there with all the big kids - trying to sing the songs and keep quiet!


Poppa said...

How clever Lani!! I bet that someone was thinking how nice it would be to 'sneak' a photo.

Debbie said...

So pleased that the nerves didn't take over. Well done Lani. It was great the Elle got to be there.

Aimee said...

well done lani! how brave to do such a big thing like that...and so cute that she memorised it!
we had our primary presentation last sunday- the kids did a wonderful job.
bet you've all had heaps of fun with elle visiting- must be nice to have the family around for a little bit :) take care.

Blanche said...

don't they seem all grown up when they're at the pulpit? Well done Leilani, Charlotte did a great job with her talk too.

Ange Carmichael said...

Well done Leilani! You're growing up way too fast you know. xx

Chelsea Parsons said...

yay, well done Lani!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!