Friday 25 December 2009

O Christmas Tree

Putting up the Christmas Tree involved a bit more work this year because we had to take a trip to the Christmas Tree Farm to get one! It was so very exciting though and something that I have never done before! We headed out on Saturday 5th December to pick out our tree and while we were there we even saw Santa! (He gets around this old guy doesn't he!) Santa had a chat to the kids and gave them a small pressie so they were over the moon! Here we are standing next to some of the smaller trees...

Once we picked one out, this friendly workman came and got it for us and put it in the very cool wrapping machine.... it was incredibly clever and very entertaining to watch!!!! I was fascinated!

SO how cool was that!? There were some really big trees there, we ended up getting one of the smaller ones - which turned out to be just the right size! Any bigger and it would have hit the ceiling! Laura and Kobe were leaving today so not long after we got back from the Christmas tree Farm, Elle and I took them to the train station. It was sad to say goodbye because we had a great couple of weeks together and really enjoyed having them stay. Hopefully it won't be too long though and we will get to see the new little baby.... not sure who will be doing the traveling this time though!!!

After the kids had their bath it was finally time to decorate the tree!

Emily had a break half way through so she could dance to some Christmas Wiggles! I love listening to the Wiggles at Christmas!!!

Mick doing some last fine tuning...

... and we are done!

Emily got to stay up a little longer this night, because she had a big sleep during the day - which was a bit of pain - but she sat quietly and played - pretending she wasn't there!!!

It was so nice to have a real Christmas tree in the house again. I grew up with real Christmas trees and going and picking them out was always the best part! The ones here are so nice too, their branches are stronger and they look so much better... and smell so good! I'm very impressed!!

Merry Christmas!


maree said...

your tree looks lovely. Real trees are great.

Debbie said...

very nice tree

Elle said...

wooo hooo!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! It's weird to think that your day is only just beginning!!!

lauracritchfield said...

Nice tree - I took mine down about 11.30 am today (yes Christmas) I was so sick of telling Kobe to stop pulling the damn lights and decorations off. I was done with looking at how crappy it had become because all the decorations were up the top and there was nothing down the bottom. So yeah - it's lucky it made it that long...LOL. Next year I am setting it up about the 20th December - 5 days will be PERFECT. Anyway the tree looks pretty good considering how few decorations you could get there. We have so many here - it's hard to choose what you want to do...LOL

Nikki said...

We grew up with real Christmas trees too! Yours look so pretty. And I noticed the "shopping game"!! hehe
Hope your Christmas was awesome. XX

The Kings said...

We always had real trees as kids too, but we would do the naughty thing and go and nick one from the bush :) That tree wrapping machine is very cool! I would love to be able to go and just pick out a tree like that. It looked beautiful. Hope you had a lovely day today.

ali b said...

love the tree han! hope you guys had a great day and didn't feel too lonely...! see you soon xx

Poppa said...

Very nice Han & Mick. We used to have real trees, courtesy of the roadside beyond St Leonards or more often from the Carr Villa Cemetery bush section. Did we go artificial to help the environment?
We'll share a picture of our tree on the blog, with your stockings under it! Hurry home or choc thieves could strike!

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

How awesome of that machine, getting your tree bagged up lol, wicked. Having a real tree would be gr8, i love the smell and would prob make christmas a lil but more exciting....!! Love the decorating, hte girls look like they where having lots of fun. xx

Claire said...

Tree looks fantastic! Someone should import one of those wrapping machines just for the entertainment!

Jaclyn Quarrier said...

Tree looks so cool Han, just like the real ones in the movies. The girls are still growing up so fast. My kids are so excited about you coming home. Will woke up Boxing Day and said "Mum Lani and Em come home today, can we go see them". I kept telling them they would be home after christmas so Will thought I mean straight after Christmas poor little bugger!!! Anyway, hope you all had a great christmas and we can't wait to see you guys. xxxx

Ange Carmichael said...

Beautiful tree!! hope you had a great christmas...
Its gunna be so fun when you get back, what to do what to do!!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!