Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Why does the book pile beside my bed keep growing?

I have so many books to read... all of which I have started but not finished! It's kinda hard when you get a bit of a pile happening of books you have already started... you can't put them back because you haven't finished them, but you have such a pile going that when you get a chance to do some reading it's too hard deciding which one to continue with that you end up going and finding something else to do!!! (Like blogging about them!)

8 Mighty Changes God Wants for You Before you Get to Heaven is such an easy book to read, it keeps things simple and helps you understand ways in which you can change your everyday life by doing things just a little different. I feel inspired after I read it and have more faith to keep going with the everyday things we do that sometimes get a little monotonous - prayer, scripture study, obedience. 

1-2-3 Magic is actually Blanches book so I need to hurry up and finish it. I have read the first part, which is all about 'stop behaviour' and 'controlling obnoxious behaviour' it is great and the best parent-help book I have read. It has helped me heaps, and really is 123 magic - although I am not magic all the time because I forget to follow the rules but most of the time, when I follow the rules it's great. I am struggling to read part 2 - which is all about 'start behaviour' (getting your kids to DO things without nagging). I'm excited to read it - but it's just not happening!!

Lonely Planet Great Britain became a favourite for a few weeks because I wanted to learn about where I am going and don't want to look and sound like a loser when I get there - asking questions like... so are you English or British? Don't really know if you can lose the loser factor just by reading a book - but thought it was worth a try! 

Jane Austin Sense and Sensibility is the only Jane Austin classic I have left. I ended up watching most of them because it was quicker and easier. But would like to read this one. However I don't know when I will because it is really hard to get in to - I have tried a few times!! I'm sure once I get going I will love it like most of the others! 

The Book Of Mormon Made Easier is always on the go, should be read a little more often, but the pages do get turned every now and again! I really enjoy reading these 'made easier' versions, (even though they take way longer) because you can learn so much more from each verse. 

I'm also on the list to read Elles Birthday books -The 'Twilight' series I think aren't they El? Don't know when they will get to me though - I think Mum gobbled them up after Elle, and I haven't seen them since! Guess I shouldn't start something else anyway!!  


Bron Williams said...

cool Hannah
and yes i know how this happens
soem great books there.
i have doen 123 magic course its great.there is one on at Lauderdale school soon/november just thought id mention if you in case you interested
so exciting to be going to the uk
Tone went to pemberly(Chatsworth house )twill be you one day soon huh
love ya
oh and yor house looks gorgeous..have i said that in another post??sorry if i have ..wish it was this side of river ..hee

Debbie said...

Well I've finished with the first of the series of Twilight

Bride said...

I've been looking for some book of mormon books for a while. My girldfriend let me borrow hers and they were great.They were published about 30 years ago though, and you cant acutally buy these exact ones...
just wondering if yours are similar, would it be suitable for a 10 and 13 year old to read as well???

Nikki said...

Looks like you've got some good reading ahead of you! I'll have to look for 123 magic.
And how is all the organising going? Have you had any offers/interest on the house yet?
Hope to catch up real soon. Cute pictures of Lani and Em at the pool. xx

Chelsea Parsons said...

books all look good. Keep on meaning to borrow that 123 magic off someone. I neeeeeeed it! And mini albums and all paraphenalia that goes with them... im your girl. Come see me whenever. Im home tomorrow all day. Call meeeeeee. xox

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!