Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Time Out of the House

We have been very busy this week catching up with friends. On Monday morning we went around to Emma's to see Becky, who was down from up north. The kids had a good time playing and Emma, Mel, Becky and I had a nice chat. Yesterday we stopped in to see Sarah, Taj and Owen. We are really going to miss them when they move to Launceston. The girls had a fun time playing with Taj, drinking milk and creating things from playdoh! Owen was a little rude and went in for a big nap not long after we got there! But he came out to give us lots of cheeky smiles and wave goodbye, so we forgave him! 
Today we were out and about again, what a perfect day for it too, the weather was beautiful. We went on the RS walk to warm up and then meet Nikki and Livy at the park for lunch and a play. I was exhausted when we got home but decided to get the ironing done and then head out and mow the lawn - well, field of grass. I knew I would be kicking myself if I didn't do it and then it rained for the rest of the week! So I'm glad it's done.
Tomorrow  we have Ange, Locke and Zak coming to visit (I think) in the morning and then we are heading out with Blanche to do some visiting in the arvo. What a busy, but fun week. It's been nice because last week was a not so good one. But we need them too sometimes.
I didn't take any pictures on Monday or Tuesday but snapped away a little bit today. 
Livy is so cute, and even more so with her new hair cut! We love her so much! The girls played really well together today so it was fun to watch.


1 comment:

Nikki said...

'La La' and 'Ami'(Emily) is all I keep hearing!! Glad we got together...the key to keeping Livy content is being outside hey!

Hope you continue to have a fun week visitng with people. xx

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!