Saturday, 27 September 2008

Random Photos

So whenever I load photos onto the computer I always find these weird random ones that I never took! Miss Leilani is the guilty one here. She will often see the camera sitting around and ask if she can take a photo, my usual response in 'okay, but just one!' I guess that's the one good thing about having a pretty crappy old camera - the kids can have a turn and you don't stress out! Hopefully one day we will upgrade to a camera that doesn't have sand in the lens, can take more than 1 photo in 30 seconds and has a memory card that holds more than 65 photos!! Oh the dream of owning a digital SLR!... One day!! Not that I know how to use one, but Dad says that all I'd need to do is spend a few hours with Leigh and he'll teach me everything I need to know!!!! See, all I need now is the camera!!  Then Leilani can take as many of these photos as she wants....


Debbie said...

Maybe you should get an SLR for Leilani and you just stick to the old camera

Stephen and Chernoa said...

great photography!

The Kings said...

Hannah - I have a digital SLR and still don't know how to use it!!!! ;) They take such nice pics, even if you don't know how to use them! One day I will learn how to use it properly. Leilani is the papparrazzi in the making!

Ange Carmichael said...

Well Leigh has made a promise to teach me how to use it properly - however, for now I think Auto is just great!! Jenna has put in a request from Santa for a camera as she keeps wanting to pick up the Canon and take a few snaps, which can be nerve racking when she doesn't put the strap around her neck...

Ange Harriss said...

Those photos are funny! I love the one of Rob Fairs on the TV! haha

Ange Carmichael said...

lessons aren't as much as they used to be. If you are in london the flights should cover it. ;-)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!