Sunday 5 April 2009

Drawing... Painting.... Cutting.... Glueing.... Writing.... Colouring

Doesn't matter which one it is... if we are at home Leilani and Emily are usually doing one of them!! Drawing and colouring mainly because it is easiest, but there is plenty of all the messy stuff going on too.  So, in between all the new exploring we have been doing... at home, it's pretty much just the same as being in Tasmania.... our home is filled with all of the above! 

This is Emily having a muffin break, all the card making got a bit much for her!! Looks quite proud of herself really!!

I found this colouring book a few weeks back, it's great because it has the same picture on both sides of the page - one is already coloured, so Lani tries to copy it and she is learning what colours to use where. She just loves painting, and she is getting very good at staying in the lines now - with paint and pencils. Lani loved colouring all the pages Locke and Jenna sent her and especially loved finishing Jenna's 'scribble art'. She even turned it over and started making one for Jenna to complete!! (It will get into the post one day Jen!!) 

Emily painting foam eggs ready for Easter. She looks like she is painting a master piece.... and that's all I'll say about that!!

I would just love to have an 'Art Room'  where the kids can go and make their mess and leave it there for the next day. They have so much fun with it all, but it's hard making sure they don't spill paint on the floor and having to pack the table up every night in time for tea, only to be asked the very next morning "Mum can we do painting today?" An art room is definitely going in the plans for the 'dream home' ... it's just a shame we probably won't get the dream home until it's too late!!! Oh well.... you never know I guess, and it is always nice to dream anyway!


maree said...

looks like the girls are keeping busy when they are'nt exploring the countryside. Is'nt it great when they start colouring within the lines. Means their growingup and getting ready for school. Next year won't come quick enough.

ali b said...

marty wants to paint all the time too, but i say 'what about colouring?' cos i'm the same with the mess and packing up..!! i even think gluing is a bit much. aren't i mean? think i'll have to give in! still having fun and settling in well by the looks of it. getting a bit eager for the new baby now, then laura will be here not long after so will be busy times. xxoo

ali b said...

marty just saw the photos of all the fun and wants to get in a boat and go to lani's house. no marty it's too far away. is it a long way mum? are they off the aeroplane now, the earoplane could come and pick us up and take us there mum. !! if only

lauracritchfield said...

I think a paint room would be fun. Maybe that is what I will do with my spare room - but then again I probably won't be here in 2 years when Kobe wants to paint. IT does look fun though...maybe you can talk them into sharing a room and having a paint room...

Bride said...

Looks like both the girls are loving all the painting! It's messy, but so worth the fun they have!

Nikki said...

Yeah wouldn't it be awesome to have an art room! I don't know any kid that wouldn't love that!

Gail Challis said...

Love the imagination and concentration happening. All the art mess is something I am not missing having the year off from school.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!