Thursday 2 April 2009

The West Somerset Railway

On Saturday we went back in time and travelled to Minehead on a steam train! It was actually the West Somerset Railway Spring Gala so there were people and trains everywhere. It was a great day, but probably the coldest for a few weeks so we really felt it. I couldn't believe how many people we saw out in the fields taking photos of the trains as they passed by. It was nice to sit back and enjoy the scenery and play with kids rather then concentrate on the roads. I'm not really a huge train fanatic but I did enjoy watching them roll into the stations, and the steam is rather cool!

The girls were extremely excited to get their very own tickets from the ticket inspector, and kept them in their pockets for most of the day!

We didn't stay in Minehead long as it started to rain, and we were anxious to get to our 'intended' destination - which was one station back. So we had a quick walk along the esplanade - which seemed quite the entertainers spot, with lots of amusements and side show ally type stuff, and then headed back to the train station. 

Our big destination for the day was Dunster, (post on that later) so once all the exploring was over we sat at Dunster Station and waited for the train to come and take us back to Bishops Lydeard. It was a really nice station with lots of character and quite peaceful to sit and relax at.

The kids were quite entertaining on the train, they both really like watching Thomas, so they knew all the right train noises to make and liked looking out for other trains passing us. They sang and giggled and played all the way home... I was exhausted and very happy to just 'try' and have a little doze!


Debbie said...

Pics are very nice. I like the colours.

Debbie said...

ahhhh so thats the real reason you bought the hat eh?? So you could look like a train driver.. I was almost going to say you looked like one, but didn't want to offend, but now I know it's a compliment... right?? he he he ha ha ha
Lani and emi look like they are LOVING the train..


Ange Carmichael said...

Great photos Han, love the effect! I 'specially love the pic of the olde suit cases and the train - yep the steam is very cool!! Love Lanis post braid hair hehe! xx.

Carli said...

Yes, I like the oldy colours too - the girs look so beautiful (and that trailer of old trunks is very endearing).

Bron Williams said...

Harry Potter move over

lauracritchfield said...

I miss Lani and Emily...Kobe misses them too. When I do round and round the garden he laughs really loud now..

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!