Tuesday 1 September 2009


Just so you know.... it's okay if you are sick of reading about our trip in France - I'm sick of writing about it!! I'm trying to make my posts shorter, but it's just not happening! Feel free to come back in a couple of weeks and hopefully I'll be done! It feels like punishment trying to get it done, when there are so many other things I'd rather be doing, but I know I'll regret it if I don't do it! So don't feel bad if you are skipping through these - I totally understand!!


Blanche said...

Just so you know...I love reading about your travels. I may never get there myself so I'm soaking it up!!

Carli said...

I'm not getting sick of it at all!

Debbie said...

Oh thanks for the permission to not check your blog.

Elle said...

yeah I have really just been looking at the pictures.. LOL.. but thats because the words are really big and I cant understand alot...!

Bride said...

i'm with Blanche, i love it too! Keep it up, you will be so glad once they are all up to date. You forget so much so i think it's great you write in so much detail. And the girls will love reading all about their big adventure when they are older!

ali b said...

we got Jasper's parcel today. Thank you so much! The game is great, Marty especially is liking it at the moment...:) the shirt is cute too, fancy him having his own label! i thought i'd send all the letters separately so it's more fun for you and to see if you got them at the same time or not! Marty had been asking lately if the postman had given Lani and Emily's parcel to them yet, so he was glad to know!
i'm enjoying your blog too, it's much better than my exercise book journal i wrote when we went to NZ for our homeymoon....

Nikki said...

I'm with Blanche...I may never get there either so I am soaking it up and 'pretending' I'm right there with you!! :)
The Mediterranean Sea is just gorgeous. I loved looking at those pics. Keep the posts coming....I find it all very interesting. xx

Stephen and Chernoa said...

I love them too:) But by the time i get to the end, Steve is yelling at me to get off the computer, so i have know time to comment:) So i love it heaps and its so cool to see you guys doing it as a young family:) I can just imagine when the kids are older and you have added a few more to the tribe, the younger ones will be like, " how come Lani and EMily got to go on a big holiday and we didnt:(" ???? HAHAHAHA Save your pennys:) Miss you guys heaps...when are you coming home???

Noey xoxoxox

Aimee said...

no way, im not sick of it...i love hearing about it and looking at all the beautiful photos. such a cool experience you guys are having. if you dont record it you'll forget all the detailed little moments and how much fun you had.
p.s. your yellow aussie top is awesome.

Bron Williams said...

heelloooo neeeever sick of this
bring it on
and btw the pic outside the Temple is beautiful..so cute with Emily hugging her hymn book (is it ?)
and sooo funny a storm trooper was just walking down the road in paris

Poppa said...

Nikki, Aimee, Bridie and Blanche are spot on. Keep it up. You inspire us to record a little more about our exploits.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!