We visited Barrington Court last week. It's another National Trust property, so entry is free because we are members. Barrington Court is about a 1/2 hour drive away. You would think we would be sick of looking at these old houses and gardens by now, (sorry if you are sick of hearing about them!) but we're not!! It's just a fun way to spend the morning or afternoon with the kids really. Especially on a nice day - which we are having so many of at the moment. They enjoy running around in the different gardens and just like to be out and about I think... and so do we! (And it's now free entertainment.... can't beat that!)
The gardens here, once again were magnificent. The best thing about looking at gardens is that they are never the same!
This one was influenced by Gertrude Jekyll. Not sure if you have heard of her before but you can read a little about her on the link above.
This is part of the working stone-walled kitchen garden which produces a variety of wonderful fruit and vegetables, which can be enjoyed in the restaurant.
How would you like that in your back yard huh!!? There was a big area for your spuds too Dad!
The local primary school has its own area here in the kitchen garden where they plant, tend and harvest their own produce!
This is where the restaurant is, this is the Strode House, which is separate from the Court house, and in my opinion much nicer! Just a few chimneys!
No more spring daffodils or tulips, but now we have beautiful irises! (and so much more) I just love how each flower has it's own little time to pop up and show what it can do!
Most of the lilac wisterias have come and gone but the white ones are in full bloom. I love them!
The first few roses are opening, which will soon surround this wall with 4 or so secret little windows!
Play time.... jump.... jump..... jumping! There are just so many ways to entertain children in a garden!
More then happy to smile for the camera!
Before the walled garden existed, the ground was used as a farmyard - maybe that's why everything grows so well!!! This stable look-a-like building was actually called a buss-stall, but it didn't house buses but calf's!! Apparently the word 'buss' is an old somerset word for 'calf'! Great background isn't it.
Don't know what this one is, but it kinda reminds me of Hawaii!
Looking for.... anything really.... in the pond!
Front view of the Strode House. This was a great little place to run around in and feel free..... until you go inside and realise all these windows are occupied by diners in the restaurant... and probably saw Emily holding her skirt up trying to look at her undies...
...which happened right after she was being so sweet and innocent picking daisies!
This is the Court House. (The main house).
It is now an empty building and the National Trust are trying to decide what to do with it. When they first took over the place in 1907 it was a run down mess. Some of the floors, walls and ceilings had completely gone. The house had pretty much been used as a storage place for cider and chickens!! An extensive refurbishment was needed but became too expensive for the National Trust. Eventually Colonel Arthur Lyle took over and leased the property to display his vast collection of wooden panelling and other decorative items.
Most of Barrington Court as you see it today is a product of the time, effort and money that the Lyle family put into it after 1920.
Barrington Court has housed many families and even became a boarding school during World War 2. Forty boys were evacuated to Barrington Court for the duration of the war, and adapted quite well to country life, despite the Home Guard drilling in the squash court and the Headmaster patrolling the grounds with a rifle!
Five hundred years ago this huge fireplace was cooking up a storm for a Tudor lord and that meant meat!! A whole deer or boar hunted on the estate would be roasted on a spit above the fire, turned by 'spit boys'. These boys could shelter from the intense heat of the fire in the alcoves you can see either side of the main fireplace. So remember these little 'spit boys' next time you are complaining cause your kitchen is hot from the oven going!!
The building of Barrington Court commenced around 1538 and took about 22 years to complete - by 2 owners. The newly promoted Earl of Bridgewater started it, wanting to show his newly found status. Didn't help him much though as he died in 1548 and at the time had fallen from grace and left bankrupt!
The next owners, the Strode Family stayed here until 1745, but then the property was passed through many hands and no record has been found of the many families who called Barrington Court home. Which then brings you to the 20th century when the National Trust took over.
Enjoying some ice cream on the lawn in the 4 o'clock sun!
Emily loves her daddy! And daddy loves his Emily!
Emily giving Lani the little back and head rub... 'You okay Lani?'
So just recently I found out that we didn't really have many decent photos of the 2 girls together... hard to believe really but it's true! So my aim is to try and get a few shots of them together now! This is the start....
Lani doing Marcel Marceau, not sure when she met him, but it's clear she did at some point!!!
'Just take one more like this'....
'and this.... I have my arm around my imaginary friend' (yes she really said that!)
And this is her giving 'the friend' a cuddle! She really cracks me up this girl!