Monday 18 May 2009

The Plan of Salvation

Last night while preparing for my Sunday School lesson (I teach the youth) I came across this statement by President Boyd K. Packer, it puts everything into perspective, I have read it over and over and feel very blessed to know where I came from, why I am here and where I am going.... it gives life a purpose.

"There are three parts to the plan (talking about the Plan of Salvation). You are in the second or the middle part, the one in which you will be tested by temptation, by trials, perhaps by tragedy...

Remember this! The line 'And they lived happily ever after' is never written into the second act (of a play). That line belongs in the third act, when the mysteries are solved and everything is put right...

Until you have a broad perspective of the eternal nature of [the plan], you won't make much sense out of the inequities in life. Some are born with so little and others with so much. Some are born in poverty, with handicaps, with pain, with suffering. Some experience premature death, even innocent children. There are brutal, unforgiving forces of nature and the brutality of man to man.

Do not suppose that God willfully causes that which, for His own purposes, he permits. When you know the plan and the purpose of it all, even these things will manifest a loving Father in Heaven" (The Play and the Plan May 1995).


Debbie said...

To believe is a blessing. To know the plan of salvation is so comforting.

Gail Challis said...

How true! It is so very comforting to have this knowledge. It helps you to go through life's ups and downs with hope and peace.

Nikki said...

I dont know how I'd get through this life not knowing about the Plan of Salvation.
What are the kids like in your class??

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!