Monday 25 May 2009

My New Life!

Last week was a very exciting week for us. I had a taste of my new life!! 

Every child aged 3 & 4 in England gets 12.5 hours of free child care a week! There are heaps of different types of child care - Nurseries, pre-school, children's centres - it was all a bit overwhelming at first and I didn't really know what was what. We aren't 100% sure yet if we qualify for the free hours, and I didn't even know if I was going to bother - but everyone I spoke to was like 'so where if Leilani going to Nursery?' 'Is she in Nursery' etc. It's like the done thing here that if you are 3 you have at least some sort of 'pre-schooling/childcare'. 

The more I thought about it all and the more time we spend here away from family and friends the more I realised that I did need to get the girls in somewhere. And if Leilani is free then why wouldn't you!!? We have to pay for Emily but I decided it was worth sending her too - the girls will settle better if they have each other and Emily needs 'other kid contact' just as much as Lani.

We found Hollies Children's Centre - and it is fantastic! After a couple of weeks of 'settling in' (they came here for a home visit and then we had 2 x 2hr sessions there) it was time to take them in and not collect them again for 4 hours!! Yes, you read correctly - 4 hours in the afternoon (1pm - 5.00pm) 2 days a week! 

Here they are trudging off to their first session... they were so happy!

And if you think they missed me... then you are WRONG!! They loved every minute of it, and didn't even care when I left! It's a fantastic place - with a huge out door area with cubbies, slides, climbing frames, bikes, sand and everything else you can think of! Inside has pretty much everything you can think of too! 
They have a singing time and do lots of different activities together. The carers are all really nice and have no more then about 20 kids there at a time (including babies in the baby room). 

After 4 hours of non-stop play the girls still didn't want to leave! After the 2nd session Lani was introducing me to her 2 new friends, Phoebe and Maddison. And one of the little boys there does swimming with her also, so that was kinda nice. 

When I asked 'Did you miss me?' the reply (from Leilani was) 'No... but I still love you!!' 

At first I kinda felt guilty for leaving them there - it's not like I have a job or anything, but I now know we are doing the right thing, especially for Leilani because she starts school next year, and she needs that interaction with other kids before she goes (as we are not there for her to do pre-kinder). 

I'm excited for the girls, they love it and I'm sure they are going to learn lots of new things - things which I can't really give them on my own. (Some of which will probably be bad... but I guess that's the way it goes). 

I'm excited for me!! I know I will be a happier Mum with some 'me time', some of which will be spent on me - and some catching up on the 'home-maker' duties - which will then in turn give me more quality time to be with the kids'. 

We miss our family and friends - especially during the week, when you just wanna get out for a while and drop in and say hello to someone for a minute! It's been very different (as you would expect) and the kids have missed being able to say 'can we have a sleep over at Locke & Jenna's tonight?, or 'can we go down and see Meea and Grace?' or 'can Charlotte come over to play?' etc etc ( I could go on here forever!!!) 

We have met some wonderful new friends here though, and Leilani has already said 'When we go back to Tasmania, I am going to miss Adelphi' (one of her friends from church)! We get together and see them a bit, and have spent some lovely days together, but it's just different I guess. 

So anyway... now I spend Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday dreaming about what I am going to do on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons!!!! Aren't I lucky!!!! I may even have to look for a job!! 


maree said...

No don't look for a job enjoy your free time do lots of things you cant do when the girls are there. Have fun.

Kate Jury said...

Enjoy your free time. Its hard not being around family to get that break occasionally so enjoy it. and if they love it no need to feel guilty!

Debbie said...

that's great that they love it. It really is a nice age to be away from family and friends though because you can't put them in a centre and they will LOVE IT!!! Anyway maybe I will have to find somwhere for Kobe to go when he is a little older. I think he has loved being here and playing with the kids. He watches Zak like a hawk and then tries to copy him. It's rather funny really...

Cullis Family said...

That is awesome, I wouldn't mind a few hours a week of free child care - just so I can sleep!!!

Nikki said...

Oh wow! All that time to yourself!! Woohoo!! It's amazing they don't expect parents to stay with their kids. I guess they are trying to get them used to the whole 'school' environment are they??? So is the children's centre like a pre-kinder session? I really want to take Livy to pre-kinder next year. I know she will love it and will need that interaction with lots of children.
Anyways, this is VERY long but I'm very happy for the girls and very happy for you! xx

Jaclyn Quarrier said...

Lucky you Han. You will love having time to yourself, you will actually feel like a normal person!! The girls are growing up so fast, everytime I see a photo of Em she just looks older. Have fun thinking of what you might do this week!!!xxx

Claire said...

Don't the girls look cute all ready for Nursery!! I think you will love a bit of free time, it's amazing what you can fill your afternoon with when there are no little people to entertain, feed, wash, clean up after etc.... bring out the scrapbooking!!!

Ange Carmichael said...

Fantastic, they will love it!! No doubt the social skills will benefit Leilani next year too :)
We can't wait for our sleepovers again too!

Elle said...

Thats awesome. Think of all that time you will have to play the wii and play on the computer and not have them want to watch t.v, think of all the dr. phil you can watch, think of all teh time you can sit on the couch and do nothing... i mean, no you don't do that, thats me... yeah... never mind, I guess think of all that cleaning you can do, and all those other domestic skills you can brush up!!

Poppa said...

We just had a visiting English 'expert' telling us about Child & Family Centres in England and how they prepare children for kindergarten. You can give me some ongoing tutoring so I sound like I've been reading up! Do they have integrated health, social work, etc, and such family services available?

ali b said...

cool han. i wouldn't worry about hte job, so much to choose to do. even a little SHOPPING by yourself wouldn't go astray. they will have so much fun, (even though i'm sure you;ll be a bit worried at first) live it up han!!!!

Aimee said...

wooow! enjoy the 'me' time....hope the girls love it- it's nice they have each other.

Blanche said...

sounds lovely to have a few hours twice a week. If you got a job Han you'd feel like you still have no 'me time'. Charlotte goes to child care at the pool for an hour twice a week so I can swim and I love the thinking time that gives me. Just me, the water and my thoughts! Wish it was free like yours though. BONUS!

Bride said...

OOOHHHHH I am so jealous!!!! That's awesome, and even better that they love it so much.. 4 HOURS twice a week is great! enjoy Hannah!!!

Watson said...

You'll be able to go on some hot dates with Mick now!

Chelsea Parsons said...

Han I commented when you posted this message but dont know where it went. reading a book is good.... you could go have your legs waxed, try on bras (thats always a failure with kids for me!!!), an hour+ workout, window shopping, paint...real paint on a canvas, ohhhh its endless.... Im dreaming for you. I cant wait till next yr when Hattie is at Kinder!!!!! When you get back you me and Blanche and girls should walk in the bush.... !

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

hey han, that's gr8 the girls are loving nursery and meeting new little friends! FREE TIME - no dont get a job, you would have lots of things to do, explore, shop etc go crazy in your free time lol, i would :) xx

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

hey han, that's gr8 the girls are loving nursery and meeting new little friends! FREE TIME - no dont get a job, you would have lots of things to do, explore, shop etc go crazy in your free time lol, i would :) xx

The Kings said...

Oh wow!!! How great is that!!! So nice you can have some time to yourself or just catch up on housework without them messing it up again!!! Enjoy it!

Carli said...

COOL HAN! Australia should follow suit! It will be extra great when Mick has some time off and you guys can have an afternoon 'date'. I'm so glad you have a bit of extra time to get organised - it will do wonders and you'll be able to organise more fun stuff for when the girls come home!

lauracritchfield said...

I just wanted to say that you got 20 comments on this blog. You may not have to get a job you may spend your spare time reading allt he comments people leave. I would like some spare time. It feels weird that you have two kids that are grown up and I'm stuck with a 6 month old. Is there something wrong with that picture considering I have 5 years on you...damn it!!! Oh well I guess my spare time will drop from the sky about the same time as the money tree grows outside.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!