Saturday 16 May 2009

May Day Festival

The youth at church are fundraising at the moment so that they can all attend EFY in a few months time. They organised a Chocolate Fountain Stall at the Kingsbury Episcopi May Day Festival, so we went along to show our support... and get some yummy chocolate covered Fruit! It was huge and there were heaps of people there. It was kinda like the Huon show without the showbags and rides!!! It was held in a paddock and there were heaps of different things going on everywhere. I enjoyed the music the most... there is just something about being outside, in the country, sitting on a bale of hay listening to live music that I love!  I guess in lots of ways it reminds me of my childhood - sitting on my Dad's knee while he taps his foot to some country music!!

Here are a few happy snaps of our few hours there...

Don't know how old this church and grave-yard are, but it looks kinda cool! It was a little strange though as it was kinda treated like a park - people were sitting right in the middle of it!!! 

Lani and Emily look so happy on this little ride... and they were!

I thought these ladies were really cool, and they sounded great- can't remember what they were called, but they are basically all just playing steel drums! It sounded fantastic.

Chocolate Fountain Stall

It was fun mixing with the locals at a good old English Country Festival! 

On the way home we ended up going along some very narrow roads - well you can't really enter a village without driving down something like this... it's just crazy really, you never know what is around the corner! We did actually meet a car along here and had to reverse and get up on the bank so that we could just pass!

This is called Great Lane, and it was so much better than it looks in the photo - it was kinda magical, and the colours were just beautiful. 


Debbie said...

Sounds like a nice relaxing day. Girls do look happy on that boat.

maree said...

Those roads ar'nt supposed to be oneway are they!! You sure would'nt want to meet a log truck on them. The girls look like they had a fun day.

Stephen and Chernoa said...

LAAAAANIIII....are you there? i got your message today. We do have primary where we are, but i dont go, im too big:) But when you come back, i would love for you to come and visit...i will make cupcakes for you:) Miss you heaps and love you too. Please give emily a big Hug for me:)

love Noey

Blanche said...

I love the photos of the girls running under the ribbons. Those things look great and who wouldn't want to run through them?

Gail Challis said...

I remember having to get so far onto the side of the lane at one time that the car was sideways it was leaning so far down. We just laughed at how narrow they are. And isn't it interesting that they don't have verges on the sides of the roads in England. Everything just grows right to the side of the bitumen/gravel. But you are right, there is something magical about driving under the canopy of green trees with the light flitering through. Just love it!!!

The girls are just loving these wonderful experiences by the looks of glee on their faces. What an adventure.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!