Thursday, 31 July 2008

Once There Was a Snow Man

We took the girls up to Mt Wellington on Monday afternoon and it was freezing - as it always is up there. The Suby told us it was 0 degrees, and as you could imagine Lani didn't want to get out of the car! Emily didn't seem to care and was quite happy having a look around with her dad. 

We collected some snow to bring home so that Lani could have a play in decent weather conditions! She was very proud of her snowman and kept an eye on him all evening - wondering when he would melt! 

It kinda sucks that it is so cold up there because I remember going to the snow as a kid - down the Huon and you could play in it all day because it wasn't cold. I used to love 'snow days' - this was when we would get a day off school because the road would be closed and the teachers couldn't get down, so we would rug up and drive 10mins up the road, jump someones fence, and spend the day in the snow. SO much fun! Dad would always make us wear bread bags over our hands and feet so that we wouldn't get wet - which was great cause that meant more time to play!  

Daddy Visits the Salon!

On Monday morning when Mick arrived home from his night shift the girls decided to spruce him up a bit! He got a comb, curl, cut, dry and even some clips!  

Emily even polished his nails for him! Lucky Daddy!

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Girls Night Out

Children of the Silk Road
Come and see Children of the Silk Road with me on Saturday 2nd August at 9.00pm at the State Cinema to help me celebrate my birthday (which was a month ago!)  The State Cinema has a cafe so we can meet here from around 8.00pm for a snack & chat (arrive when ever you can) and then see the film at 9.00pm. Sorry it's on so late but most of the other screening times were too early. Let me know if you can make it. Oh, I take no responsibility for the film either - if it is a dud, don't blame me!!! Hope you can come! Everyone welcome.

Photos of the State

State Cinema Cafe - photo Matt Newton

Sunday, 27 July 2008


Okay, so last night at Sarah & Joels birthday party I ate some cake, and it was SO good, and SO worth it!!! It was the best cake ever! Chelsea supported me in the decision so I didn't feel too bad!!! So I guess I wasn't strong enough for the 50 day challenge after all... sorry Carli! I'm not giving up though, I'll still keep going until spring - but I guess instead of me standing tall at the end announcing that I went 50 days with NO sugar, I'll just have to stand... and announce that I went 50 days with A LOT LESS sugar!!!! So we are 2 weeks down, it's been challenging and very hard at times - (obviously a little too hard sometimes) but I am enjoying it, I'm learning so many things and I hope to continue to do this every now and again. Maybe not 50 days next time though - I think I'll stick with 28 days. That seems a little more do-able! It works well for me because I've never been real good at just having 1 chocolate biscuit or 1 piece of chocolate. So I think for me it's important to say no for a little while and then every now and then just dig in and don't feel bad! So have you set yourself a challenge lately? If not, give it ago... you might find will power that you never thought you had!!! (Or you might cave like me!!) I think its best to set a time frame though, and just work on little goals. I have always found that If I say "I'm not going to eat so much chocolate anymore" It never works, I just want it and eat it more, but If you say 'no chocolate for 7 days' there is an end... and your mind seems to be able to wait, cause you know when you get to 7 days you can eat and not feel bad - and that's the best way to enjoy something good! Enough from me anyway, I'm no expert - far from it but these are just my thoughts on this not so sunny, sunny evening!! By the way... great party Sarah & Joel, had a fantastic time - even if I was husband-less! 
(P.S - the cake was even better than this picture, but I didn't get a photo and thought those visual people might need something!!) 

Thursday, 24 July 2008

I'm Alone Again!

Well, my so called 'week with Mick not studying' has been cut short! I guess I was getting a little too excited! He's working late tonight and then has night shift over the weekend, so I guess I'll be doing some more blogging!!! I was tagged by Kate the other day anyway, so I guess now I have the chance to do that! I just have to answer a few questions and if I tag you, you have to do it too! Don't know where it started but I'll continue it! So here goes....  

10 Years Ago...
It was 1998, my final year at High School. What a big year! As well as having lots of fun in and out of school with my friends, I was a member of the SRC, a Laurel in the Glen Huon Ward, an 'L' Plater, and my main goal was to become a flight attendant! I was also very lucky this year to go on a School Mainland Tour to Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney with some of my friends.
 Here I am with my 2 best friends Kelly and Marni, at our Leavers Dinner.

5 Years Ago...
This was a fun and exciting year, I was living in Brisbane for the second year with Laura, and working at the Hilton Hotel as a Restaurant Supervisor. We attended the River Terrace YSA Ward and I still had a goal to become an Air Hostess! I was taking courses and preparing to put in my application. However Mick and I started dating early on this year and after spending most of it travelling back and forth, (which was fun!)  a move back to Hobart was starting to seem like a good idea, therefore the flight attendant application was forgotten about and more important things were planned! Laura and I were there while the Brisbane Temple was being built, a very exciting time, here I am outside while it's still under construction. 

You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find a picture of us Laura! Most of them we were doing dares or pulling pranks - this was the only appropriate one I could find!! 

Mick and I on one of our dates! This was at Cape Naturaliste I think.

5 Months Ago...
Emily turned 1 and Leilani turned 3! We had a big Dora party to celebrate! It was also about 5 months ago that I started this blog! It's nice to look back on old posts already so In 5 years from now I'm sure it's going to be ever better. And just to fill you in... I no longer want to be an air hostess and I'm not really disappointed that I never did it. It was a nice goal to have, and I'm happy with what I did to try and get there, but every time I think about it now, I can't believe that's what I wanted to do! Would never dream of doing it now, or in the future! 

Here are Lani and Emily on Emily's birthday.

The Dora Party was well catered for!

5 things on my 'to do' list tomorrow
Spend the day with Claire, Lisa & Jaclyn
Prepare Primary Lesson
More Ironing
Relax - It's Friday!

5 Bad Habits
Staying up too late
Leaving junk in the car
Using my dryer too much
Stressing out over little things
Biting my nails

5 Places I have lived
Glen Huon, TAS
Port Douglas, QLD
Brisbane, QLD
Dynnyrne, TAS
Kingston, TAS

5 things people may not know about me
I would love to learn how to Tap Dance 
I want to own a B&B one day
I have always wanted to go to Alaska
I get depressed when my house is a mess
I have always hated my eyebrows

5 People I tag
Woolley Mammoth (That's all of you!)
Lisa K

Yo Gabba Gabba

Yo Gabba Gabba is Leilani and Emily's new favourite show! It's pretty funny and teaches quite good things. Lani loves the music and dancing and is learning all the characters names. I try not to let them watch too much t.v but in the winter it is a little harder and Lani really needs to lay down and have her 'rest time' in the afternoon because she doesn't have a sleep during the day, so the t.v is always good for that. Usually it's Play School or Dora but now all she asks for is Yo Gabba Gabba!!

Monday, 21 July 2008

It's the little things that we love!

Today Mick sat his written exams. Both were 3 hours long - what a big day! So Leilani helped me cook him a cake and drew a picture for him. We are very excited because we now get daddy for the rest of the week! Well, he has to work but no study!!! Only 6 weeks until his next 2 big exams and then hopefully we get him for the next year!!! Yipee! It was a great night - Mick was home just before 6, we got to eat dinner together and then he played with the girls while I cleaned up... what a treat! We now get to sit and watch last nights 'tour' together - he gets to eat cake and I get to... watch! Anyway, Leilani & Emily were both very excited to have him home before they went to bed! It's been such a hard year in lots of ways, but we are starting to see the light... well, I better not count my chickens before they hatch! 

Lockes Birthday Party

Yesterday was Lockes 5th birthday - what a big boy! We went to Nutgrove Park for a CARS Party to help him celebrate. The kids had a wonderful time. We absolutely froze but it was worth it! Locke was a little confused at why I had spelt his name wrong on his card... the letters I used were all lowercase so to him it seemed I had spelt Locke with an 'I'!!! 

After opening his present he took me to the slide to show me all the different ways he can go down - I sure was entertained! This is just a couple of them...

Ange had prepared a great feast for us - with lots of traffic light coloured treats... not that I got to enjoy any of those though, but I was very tempted! Sounds like I could have sneaked something in too cause Jez forgot to keep an eye on me!!! 

More of Lockes Birthday Party

Here are some photos Leigh took at Lockes birthday party yesterday. He's such a good brother to have - taking all these great photos for us. Emily acted like a robot for most of the party because she had her mittens on and therefore felt like she couldn't move!! 

Sunday, 20 July 2008

It's Finally Here...

Children of the Silk Road is finally screening in Hobart!! Yay!  It's opening on July 25th at the State Cinema. Don't know session times or anything yet so if you still want to come and help me celebrate my birthday keep checking in for details on which day and time we'll be going. All I know is that it will be an evening session! I'm very excited! 

 Children Of The Silk Road

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Sugar Free Banana & Pear Muffins

The same day I committed to the terrible crime of not eating sugar-added products I found this recipe on the Huggies Nappy Box. So I was quite excited to try it out - not sure why really! 

Banana & Pear Muffins

1/2 cup of self-raising flour
1 egg
1 ripe banana
1 pear
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (or other spice)
1 tablespoon of milk

1. Peel and finely chop the pear.
2. Mash the banana.
3. Place the oil and egg in a bowl and whisk until blended.
4. Sift flour in bowl and add the spice & pear.
5. Add the oil mixture and bananas alternatively to the flour and gently blend.
6. Add the milk 
7. Spoon into greased muffin tray or patty cups.
8. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a moderate oven.

And the result... well I had to laugh when Leilani offered to lick the beaters and after a few licks decided she'd had enough!!!! The muffins came out alright though, just tasted like they needed some sugar!!! Emily loved them, as you can see and Leilani picked at them - but she has never been much of a cake eater, more an icing licker! She was more interested in getting her photo taken! Anyway, give them ago, it only takes you a few bites to get use to them!!! 

We are all enjoying the Tour this year!

Last night there was no Tour on because it was a rest day... I actually missed it! Enjoyed the extra sleep, but I'm really hanging out for a bit more bike racing tonight! It is extra exciting I guess because Cadel Evans is wearing the Yellow Jersey. Even Emily has been keeping an eye on the racing this year!! 

Monday, 14 July 2008

Leilani Today

Thought I had better get the camera out today... it has been a while! Someone was very excited to have their photo taken... for full face expressions just click to enlarge!!! 

High 5

Today we went to see High 5 at the Theatre Royal with Marty, Alison, Meea & Jaclyn. The kids loved it, here they are waiting to go in. (sorry no one but Lani is looking - it was my only shot!!) Marty started the dancing off, even though the seats didn't really cater for dancing he was going off! Emily was the first to clap I think and was having a little groove on my knee for most of it. Lani & Meea had a little dance at one stage but were mainly interested in watching and couldn't really take their eyes off the colourful stage! The Theatre Royal wasn't really the best place to have it, and I think if there was room the kids would have loved to have danced more. But they had a really fun day anyway and I'm sure we will all hear about it over and over for the next few weeks. Thanks Ali for getting the tickets, it was a great day out. It's so hard to get tickets for things like this - they never really seem to advertise until it's too late and all the really good seats are sold out... you have to be very quick! 

You Know What I Hate?

I hate how when you bite into a piece of fruit you are never quite sure what you are going to get... I had a piece of Emilys mandarin today - beautiful! So I go and get myself one, and what do you know - it tastes terrible!!! aaagghhh! I tell you it really gets to me!! Not only are you disappointed but it's a waste of money!!!! You never have this problem with a block of Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate!!!


Saturday, 12 July 2008

What Have I Done.....

Well, I don't know if I just did the most stupidest thing ever.... but anyway I'll give it ago! I just signed my life away... well not exactly but everything good in my life anyway!!! 
So... I just agreed to do a 50 day sugar free challenge with Carli!!! What an Idiot!! For more information see Carli's site and if you want to join in - sign your name on her post!! 
I had a hard time with the 28 day no chocolate thing but this is going to be even worse! I'm going to have to be very 'aware' cause I forgot a few times with the chocolate thing and ended up eating a smartie! So please.... help me out and don't offer me any sugar if I come near you!! I think I am going to have to read everything before I eat..... anyway I'm off to enjoy some chocolate before tomorrow comes!!!  

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Emily & Leilani

Playing Hostess!

So this post is a little out of order but anyway... 
On Saturday we had lots of visitors, Grandma & Poppa, Paul, Rach & kids, Matt & Kristy and baby Gus. Gus is 4 weeks old and we finally got to meet him! What a beautiful little baby - and he was so good! It was really nice for the Challis Family to all be together because it doesn't happen very much. But I'm sure Matt & Kristy will move down this way soon - as we all know how much Matt loves Hobart!! (not)  The kids all had a great time playing and Lani would have been very sad when they all left except that she still had Grandma & Poppa to play with.... "for the whole night" (as Lani would say)! Here are some photos Phil sent me because I didn't take any - my excuse is that I was too busy playing hostess! So thanks Phil!

Baby Gus

Princess Emily!

Lani with her baby capsule we made so that she could be like Aunty Kristy

Trying to get away from Poppa! 

Lani really loves attention at the moment and is ALWAYS saying "Look at me, look at me watch this..." well after everyone had gone Poppa decides to have his little power nap on the couch before they take us out to Mures for tea. Well, Lani is calling out to him, 'look at me Poppa, trying to do tricks for him when she looks at him and says... "Oh look at Poppa.... he's fallen asleep..... he's ALWAYS doing that!!!!" It was pretty funny! Anyway we went to Mures for tea and were even joined by Daddy for a little while which was really great, as he spent most of the day/evening at work studying. It was great having Grandma & Poppa come to stay and we can't wait to see them again.  

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!