Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Le Tour de France

So for the next 3 weeks I have been commanded to press record at 6.00pm every night! What for? None other than...

Mick is doing it tough this year as the Tour is on right in the middle of his exams, so instead of the usually late night live stage coverage he loves to watch until 2am or something crazy - he has been forced to watch the 6pm highlight - at about 11.o0pm when he gets home every night. And that 1/2 hour is all he is aloud to watch!! But hopefully the sacrifice will all be worth it and we will be THERE next year!! Fingers Crossed! Aaahhhh now that would be as good as wearing the yellow jersey!!! 

I must say, I am missing that French Dude - the Chef - giving us all those cool tips in the breaks.... does anyone know his name?? Mick will know, I'll ask him when he gets home! 

This years Tour de France Route, made up of 21 stages in 23 days, could you image it?
carte du parcours global du Tour de France

Come on Cadel! 
 Cadel Evans rides alongside Mark Cavendish of Great Britain. Photo: Getty Images


Debbie said...

Gabriel Gateaux I think

Michael Challis said...

It's actually Gabriel Gate. The 'e' in Gate has one of those little things above it (an accent), so you actually pronounce it Gat-ay, not like gate (that you open). But you have to say it with a French accent too - it helps to make you sound continental!

Debbie said...

Well thanks for that little lesson Mick.

Elle said...

thanks mick..

But seriously - if the french bike riding dudes look like they do in the picture - I would press record too!

Bride said...

I'm loving the tour De France!!!
The scenery is just beautiful, and the guy with the camera on his motobike makes you feel like your going through those gorgeous little streets too...
I want to go to France soooo bad!!!

Hannah Challis said...

Hey Elle.... just so you know Cadel is Australian!!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!