Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Girls Night Out

Children of the Silk Road
Come and see Children of the Silk Road with me on Saturday 2nd August at 9.00pm at the State Cinema to help me celebrate my birthday (which was a month ago!)  The State Cinema has a cafe so we can meet here from around 8.00pm for a snack & chat (arrive when ever you can) and then see the film at 9.00pm. Sorry it's on so late but most of the other screening times were too early. Let me know if you can make it. Oh, I take no responsibility for the film either - if it is a dud, don't blame me!!! Hope you can come! Everyone welcome.

Photos of the State

State Cinema Cafe - photo Matt Newton


Nikki said...

FUN!! I'll be there. xx

Ange Carmichael said...

Sounds like fun - will let you know :)

Elle said...

Umm.. obviously most of my saturday nights are full because I have so many friends, but I will try my best to take time out of my busy schedule and come along... I might even bring a date... i mean I might even bring Bek - her life is pretty flat out too though, so I will have to see if she can take time out too....

ali b said...

sorry han, i won't be attending, i'll be 'hens nighting' for staci down the road at the republic bar! i'ma bit nervous, leaving milk for jasper, .....(first time anyone else has put him to bed) jeremy is not worried.....have fun anyawy, hope you like the movie!

Bron Williams said...

oh man seriously would have been there...only just saw it 2night...thatll teach me for not checking your blog like EVERY DAY ...which of course i will do from now on :)
oh and i reckon all that no sugar was so good for you...you look really healthy...but yeah still will look good now you back eating sufgar
im impressed
lv bron

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!