Sunday, 27 July 2008


Okay, so last night at Sarah & Joels birthday party I ate some cake, and it was SO good, and SO worth it!!! It was the best cake ever! Chelsea supported me in the decision so I didn't feel too bad!!! So I guess I wasn't strong enough for the 50 day challenge after all... sorry Carli! I'm not giving up though, I'll still keep going until spring - but I guess instead of me standing tall at the end announcing that I went 50 days with NO sugar, I'll just have to stand... and announce that I went 50 days with A LOT LESS sugar!!!! So we are 2 weeks down, it's been challenging and very hard at times - (obviously a little too hard sometimes) but I am enjoying it, I'm learning so many things and I hope to continue to do this every now and again. Maybe not 50 days next time though - I think I'll stick with 28 days. That seems a little more do-able! It works well for me because I've never been real good at just having 1 chocolate biscuit or 1 piece of chocolate. So I think for me it's important to say no for a little while and then every now and then just dig in and don't feel bad! So have you set yourself a challenge lately? If not, give it ago... you might find will power that you never thought you had!!! (Or you might cave like me!!) I think its best to set a time frame though, and just work on little goals. I have always found that If I say "I'm not going to eat so much chocolate anymore" It never works, I just want it and eat it more, but If you say 'no chocolate for 7 days' there is an end... and your mind seems to be able to wait, cause you know when you get to 7 days you can eat and not feel bad - and that's the best way to enjoy something good! Enough from me anyway, I'm no expert - far from it but these are just my thoughts on this not so sunny, sunny evening!! By the way... great party Sarah & Joel, had a fantastic time - even if I was husband-less! 
(P.S - the cake was even better than this picture, but I didn't get a photo and thought those visual people might need something!!) 


The Kings said...

I say good on you!! ;) I think as long as you have some balance and don't eat junk all the time then you are good (says me who ate about 8 chocolate chip cookies tonight!!!).

Ange Harriss said...

Well the cake must have been AWESOME coz that one looks pretty damn good. I am still proud of you Han! I don't reckon I would be able to do it! Good job!

Carli said...

The confessions are coming out all over the place! Chelsea must've tempted you :) Nah, the main thing is awareness I guess - when you have to think about what you're putting in and leaving out you just realise how much sugar is out there. After this week we'll almost be half way - I'm proud of all of your efforts!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!