I have been a very bad blogger over the past few weeks... I think F.R.I.E.N.D.S may have had something to do with it! I have been watching seasons 9 & 10 and became a little addicted and therefore blogging hasn't really been on my mind - it has actually felt like a bit of a chore, so that's why I haven't done any! But, I watched the final episode last night and so I might take a break for a while before starting from season 1 again! I just love it though, and I became quite teary towards the end - lucky Mick arrived home when he did - it was about 10pm and I had 10 minutes to go - I may have broken down if he wasn't there to comfort me!!!! I have really enjoyed curling up on the couch under my quilt lately, it's nice to do that in winter and because Spring is just around the corner I thought I had better get a bit of TV watching in!
Anyway, the Blogging bug has got me again, so I better get to it and start blogging everything that has been going on... before it leaves again!
Why did it have to end?

ALl good things come to end Hannah.. Even bad things come to end too!!
Well I still don't think it should've ended.. Han I still get teary at the last episode.. it's the end forever... but then I think, lucky I can start at the beginning again and forget it had to end....
Han I was sooo sad when FRIENDS ended... I watch it all the time and everyone bags me out.. I am so glad you guys do that too! haha And I ALWAYS cry at the last episode even though I've seen it like 200 times!! But apparently they are thinking of doing a movie.. how cool would that be?? xx
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