Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Change Table = Hours Of Fun

Last week I got the change table out to take it up to Ange. ( I will get there one day Ange!) Well, Leilani and Emily just had a ball with it. They ran around it, sat on it, changed babies on it, had naps on it, everything you could think of! It was great and kept them entertained for hours! These photos aren't real good - a bit blurry, but they had such a great time I didn't want to forget about it so I have posted the photos on anyway - it was so funny and very cute!!! Oh, by the way Ange, Leilani is convinced that you are having 2 babies - one to go on the top of the table and one to go underneath!! She may be a little disappointed when only one comes out!!

Monday, 28 April 2008

Definition Of A Blog

So what is a blog? According to Wikipedia (a great source of constantly updated info), "A weblog, web log or simply a blog, is a web application which contains periodic time-stamped posts on a common web page. Weblog is a portmanteau of 'web' and 'log.' The term blog came into common use as a way of avoiding confusion with the term server log."

Sunday, 27 April 2008

A Quick Stop At The Beach

On the way home from Max's birthday party last Monday, Elle and I decided to have our lunch on the beach. It was a gorgeous day and perfect beach weather. I'm pretty picky with the beach, it has to be warm and sunny, with a little cloud coverage for some shade, and absolutely no wind! The kids loved every minute of it and I must admit I quite enjoyed myself too! I forget sometimes that we live so close to the beach, I love living in Kingston - it seems to have just about everything we need!

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

When There's Two!

How great is it when the older kid can push the little kid and you can have a nap!!! Now that's what I call a trip to the park!

I love how Emily is looking up to the sky in real deep thought in this one and Lani is really concentrating on that push!

I think Leilani looks like she is texting on her phone - just like a real mum!!

A Walk to Remember

My 2 little girls walking to the park! Leilani gets so excited when Emily lets her hold her hand!

Like most kids they both love the park, and luckily we live really close to one. Emily would sit on the swing for hours I think. I thought we had better make the most of these beautiful warm days before winter hits. No park for me when its freezing cold thanks. Sorry kids!

Our Little Emily

Emily is so sweet and gentle and she loves to cuddle. If she sees a pillow she will often lay down and have a little rest! The other day she decided to have a little rest and swing on the foot chair. She is so precious and we love her so much.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

One for Aimee!

I was just reading Aimee's blog and she had a photo of Eli standing on the oven door and one of him playing with a role of garbage bags (!!!) and it reminded me of my kids pulling all the things out of the kitchen drawers - especially the time Leilani pulled everything out so she could get in!

This is Leilani when she was 1!!!

Sorry, I had to add these ones too.... lets just say Leilani liked to get 'in' stuff!

The Big Decision...

Because I'm here most evenings on my own I am usually pretty organised, well I have to be other wise I get no 'me time' but every now and then, something gets a little changed and it ends up being 7.00pm and I haven't yet cleaned up the kitchen. I hate that - but it happens. So here I am, kids in bed, husband out at meetings and I have to make that big decision - what am I going to do? There is so much on offer.... I know what I should be doing, and that's cleaning up the kitchen but all these ideas are running through my head - as they do every evening at 7.00pm when the house goes quiet but it's so much harder when your 'work is not yet done' :-). I hate getting up to a messy house but ohhhhhh boy look at all these things I could be doing rather than washing up.... I could......

Prepare my primary lesson
Get sharing time ready
Do some scrap booking
Do some blogging
Watch some telly ( I like the Biggest Loser!)
Check my Email
Do some blogging
Do some blogging
Do some blogging

And there just the things I want to do.... then I've got the things I really need to do....

Clean the kitchen up
Fold the washing
Read my scriptures

So what am I going to do.......
Maybe I'll just do a little bit of blogging.... and then I'll clean the kitchen!!!!
And just a little bit more blogging (I hope you are reading 'little bit' like the way Uncle Arthur says it ..... you know that high voice!!) just a liiitttttle bit ....!!!!

Note.... Please don't come and visit me in the morning!!!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Daughters of God

Today I have finally had a chance to listen to some of the general conference talks I missed last week and to read some of this months Ensign. 
In the Ensign I found an article 'My Journal, My Testimony' which I enjoyed, especially the quote from President Spencer W. Kimball which says "Begin today and write... your goings and your comings, your deeper thoughts, your achievements, and your failures, your associations and your triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies. We hope you will do this, ... for this is what the Lord has commanded, and those that keep a personal journal are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives".  
I am always looking for ways to help keep the Lord on my mind throughout each day and I think this is really great council. I also know that the challenge that President Prebble set for us last month was inspired and I have really found that writing down the things that I am thankful for has helped me in so many ways. 

I have also become aware of the fact that we really need to 'live in the moment' and appreciate the stage of life we are living right now, because it won't be that way forever - which can be a real strength through those bad days.
Elder M. Russell Ballard gave a wonderful talk about this and lots of other things at the last conference which I would encourage you to listen to - 'Daughters Of God ' (just click on the link to the right). It was so uplifting and I would make a few points about it but all of it was too good to pick out just a few points! Hopefully you have some time to have a listen. 

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Milo & Toast

You know those nights when you don't cook dinner and everyone just has whatever? Well I'm not sure what you call those nights, maybe 'left over night' or 'toast night', 'baked beans night' or 'get it yourself night', but in our house we call it 'Milo & Toast Night'. For me, it has always been 'Milo & Toast Night' and it always will be 'Milo & Toast Night'! Leilani even named her and Emily's toy puppies Milo and Toast so I couldn't wait until she was old enough so I could teach her the real meaning of 'Milo & Toast' (much to Michael's disgust!) Leilani is now a 4th generation dunker and she LOVES it! I was taught, along with my other brothers and sisters (much to my mother's disgust) by my dad the REAL WAY to eat Milo and Toast, and he was taught, along with his brothers and sisters, by his mother. We are still working out who taught her and I believe they actually use to do it with tea! So there you have it - the story of the Milo & Toast!

In case any of you are interested in trying it out, here is exactly what you do:

1. Make your Milo to your own liking and cook your toast so it pops just as the kettle is boiling.
2. Spread your toast with a nice thin layer of Vegemite and cut into rectangles (squares are best for littlies!)
3. Smile for the camera

4. And Dip! Don't dip too much though or you may have to fish it out later. Dip just enough for a nice size bite!

5. Give a little tap on the side of the mug and then...

6. Eat!

6. Repeat until all your toast is gone. If you are a beginner expect a few splashes on the table!

7. Feel free to enjoy a few sips from your mug during your experience!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Some of the Original Dunkers

1st generation dunker with 2nd generation dunker!
i.e My Nan & my Dad in their younger years!

Some more 2nd generation dunkers.
i.e My Dad with some of his brothers and sister.
My dad's home was burnt down in the 1967 bushfires and therefore all of their photos were lost, along with everything else. So this photo is a precious one, unfortunately it's not of them sitting around dunking, but I'm sure there were lots of those photos taken!!!

For more information on the 1967 bushfires click on Black Tuesday.

See the Enjoyment!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

To Blog, or Not to Blog?........

The blogging world is amazing. I didn't even know it was out there until recently. Boy were my eyes opened! It feels weird when you find something new - a hobby, a friend, a job - it's like you can't remember what life was like before you found that new thing - It's like it's always been there. I couldn't believe how many people had been creating these wonderful blogs for so long and I knew nothing about it, however I think I found blog spot just at the right time for me. 

Some of my first thoughts about the Blog world weren't all good ones though. I felt overwhelmed with it all, I felt a little jealous of all these wonderful people and what they had been doing and creating, I wondered how they found the time to do all this, I felt like my life was only full of housework. (Don't get me wrong, I do actually enjoy the housework - but you can only do so much!) My life, unlike all these bloggers - who 'as it seemed' never had to do any housework, they just played and blogged and made all these wonderful things all day - seemed dull. I knew this wasn't completely true, but its strange how your mind works sometimes. I loved sitting down and reading all about the fantastic things people had done that day, looking at their photos and finding more bloggers from other bloggers! I thought that I would never be able to do this (have a blog). What would I possibly have to put on it, to talk about and show others? And I have to admit that after doing this (reading other blogs) I would often go to bed feeling unhappy. I would get confused, because I knew that I wasn't an unhappy person, and I actually did enjoy life and that most days were good days, even though it is hard at the moment because Michael is away so much, but we are pushing through. Even after understanding all this I still felt depressed, I would lay in bed at night thinking about all the fun things other people were doing, what good mothers they were, how many great friends they had and how they were so talented. Now I know that, in the whole scheme of things, these problems of mine were minor and that there are a lot of other more important problems out there. But to me, at this time, I was struggling and needed to get to the bottom of why because I knew I was happy. I have friends and family around me that love me and care about me, but still I was feeling down.

So the quest began, and I started to open up and tell people about how I was feeling whenever I would read a blog. I talked about this with a few different people. Some listened but didn't quite understand; some didn't really understand at all and therefore thought that I was joking; some did understand but didn't quite know what to tell me. We are all different and I understood that not everyone would feel the same way I did, but there were some people that I talked to that did. Not always in the exact same way but they had their own personal feelings about blogs and how they made them feel. I was starting to feel not completely alone - finally!
Now these people had empathy, the ability to identify and understand another person's feelings or difficulties because of their own feelings and emotions. I don't know if anyone has ever shown empathy towards you or not, but even though it is often associated with something bad it is also one of the most amazing feelings. Knowing that someone not only understands you but that they know exactly how you feel because they have experienced it, and that they (if you let them) may even be able to help you. 

That brings me to why I started a blog. While trying to make the decision on whether or not a blog was for me, a friend gave me some truly inspired advice, I don't think she will mind if I share it with you:

1. Don't let others get you down or think others are better/more creative than you
2. Don't think your blog is crap or boring
3. Remember the kids are more important than the blog
4. Don't let it consume your thoughts night and day!!

So I thought I would just give it a go. At first I was a little worried - people are actually going to see this, I thought. Oh no! I had no idea what I was doing and everyone else seemed so advanced - it appeared that they knew every little thing about blogging. But we all have to start somewhere, and usually the start is a good place. So I did it, I set it up - put a few pictures on and attempted to write a little bit about myself. This can be another challenge in itself, but if we do it we can find out a lot about ourselves! So over time, I learnt a few new things and I actually felt like I knew what I was doing. Frustration still occurred (and still occurs!) - pictures not uploading, etc. - but I soon found myself really enjoying it. I looked back over my photos from the past month, found some nice ones, and wrote a little about what happened that day. I then found that every day I started looking for the good things that were happening, and forgetting about the bad things. I started noticing the little things, and I became a lot happier. I also realised that most of my views from the start about blogging were not only a little bit wrong, but completely wrong. It doesn't take a lot of time to blog (well it can if you let it), and when you write about your daily happenings it doesn't mean that the whole day was perfect - it may just mean that for a few moments it was. I've also learnt that we all have talents, some are just harder to find than others. Some of our talents you can see and hear but some can only be felt. Some of our talents we don't even want but we have to remember that they have been given to us for a reason.

I feel like I spend a lot of time on my own with my kids currently. We don't get to have 'family outings' or 'family days' very much at the moment because Michael has an exam coming up. But it doesn't take a lot to create a special moment. That's why most of my posts are about the small things - Emily eating yoghurt, or a spot on Leilani's leg. But these are the things I want to remember. And I love that I can share them with anyone that is interested in reading it. My blog is for me though. We have always been taught to keep a journal, to write things down so that we can remember them and so that our posterity can learn and know about us. I used to be pretty good at this, but over the past few years I haven't been very good at all. However, since starting this journal - which gets to be full of pictures and comments from you as well - I have been so much happier. I never get down from looking at other people's blogs anymore, I don't feel jealousy taking the better of me, I don't feel competitive about whose blog is better, I don't wonder how people find the time or worry about what people will think of me. These are all the thoughts and feelings I had before I started a blog - when I was just a reader.

I do still marvel at the many talents people have, and the gifts they have been given from God. I come here to the computer to be uplifted, to be humoured and to be inspired to be a little better - to work a little harder and to write down the daily things that happen in my life. I hope that by sharing these thoughts I may have inspired someone to start their own blog. I know that not everyone has felt like I have about 'blogs', some of you will probably be thinking I'm a freak, but I wanted to share my story because I know that when we keep a journal (or a blog) we can learn a lot about ourselves, and we tend to look for the good instead of focusing on the bad. So if you have been considering starting a blog, or if you have ever had any of the feelings that I once felt I encourage you to start your own blog - you will find that it's not that hard and I'm sure you will enjoy it more than you think. And to all those that already blog, thank you for sharing your daily happenings with me. 

Friday, 11 April 2008

Another One Bites The Dust (Going Private)

Mick has been asking me to do this for a while now, and I think it's a good idea so i'm going private too, but please if you're a reader send me your email address so that I can add you to my invite list. Its a big wide world out there and we will just feel better if we're not showing our daily business to the unwanted! All family and friends welcome. You can leave it in a comment or email me hannahchallis@gmail.com

Happy Birthday Mickey

Today is Micks 32nd birthday, what an oldie! I think its been a pretty good 32 years though, so I have put together some memories for him. I'm so grateful to be a part of his life. Michael you're my best friend and you mean everything to me. xxx

Thursday, 10 April 2008

More Yoghurt Please

This is chapter 2 on Emily and the yoghurt! So she has obviously decided that the spoon is just slowing her down. The other day I was up in the bedroom while Emily was out in the lounge room having her yoghurt when I heard all these strange noises - slurping and gulping mainly and my first thought was 'oh no, Emily is choking on her yoghurt' (how someone chokes on yoghurt I don't know but anyway) so I ran out pretty fast (lucky I've been going to the gym!) to find that she wasn't choking on the yoghurt but drinking it! She was so proud of herself too! And even though most of the yoghurt was gone when I came back with the camera she was happy to sit there and show me what she had been doing! Check it out all over her top!! Who leaves a 1 year old to eat yoghurt on their own anyway!!!???

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Yoghurt or Yogurt?

Little Miss Emily has decided that she wants to feed herself! She does a pretty good job for a 1 year old I think! There's lots of cleaning up to do afterwards but she loves it!

The Faerie Shop

Last week I finally took Leilani to the 'Faerie Shop' in Salamanca. I have been wanting to take her there for a long time but have never got around to doing it. So when we were in Salamanca for Emily's immunisations I took the chance. Leilani loved it and Emily stressed me out! It's not really big enough for a pram so I had to hold her, she was very good to start with and didn't touch but after a few minute she couldn't handle it and started having a lovely time touching everything. So we had to hurry along! The Fairy put some special glitter stuff on Lani's cheeks and hands and told her a story. She was amazed and loved watching 2 other little girls in there who had a very strong English accent. Listening to them speak was really nice and made me feel like I was in a magical place!!!! Anyway, so Leilani was allowed to pick out something special and as you can see she chose this feather pen. I think they have a fancy name for it, but I don't know what that is so I will just call it a feather pen! On the way home she was very concerned that Emily didn't get anything (so sweet!) I told her maybe Emily could get something next time! When we got home I found her chickenfeed fairy letter set and she sat down and wrote a letter. I'm not sure who it was for, I can't remember. Anyway, I'm sure we will be visiting the fairies at the Faerie Shop again!

Mum, I've Got Spots!

Over Easter, Lani caught a virus and she was quite unwell for 3-4 days. She mainly suffered from high temperatures which made her really lethargic, however when the Panadol would kick in she would get on a bit of a high and be quite happy, but this was usually followed by a very big low. Anyway, at one stage, when she was on a bit of a low, she looked at me with really sad eyes and said, "Mum what can you do with me?" I felt so sorry for her. A few hours later she cried out to me "Mum, I've got spots". I ran over - quite concerned, only to find one little spot on her leg - that looked very much like chocolate. I tried to tell her this but she was sure it was a real spot. So anyway I went along with her and said I would be able to make it all better if I rubbed a face washer on it. She thought that would be a good idea - still very concerned though. So off I went to get the camera - I mean face washer - to magically wipe away her deadly spot. It came off with a little wipe and boy did it put a smile on her face! She thought she was cured forever! Who needs a doctor around when you're a SUPER MUM!!!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Painting With Grand-dad

What would we do without Grand-dad? On Saturday Lani decided she would like to go over and stay with Grand-dad instead of coming to the supermarket with me. When I got back she was very excited to tell me all about her painting. I thought she meant the painting she was doing with a brush when I left, but it wasn't until I saw these pictures that I realised just what she had been up to! She had a wonderful time - paint in her hair and all - not that you would know because Grand-dad had it all cleaned up by the time I got back! Leilani loves to paint - especially with Grand-dad and even Emily jumped in for a bit of a go too, I wonder if she will be a keen artist like Leilani!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!