Thursday, 17 April 2008

Milo & Toast

You know those nights when you don't cook dinner and everyone just has whatever? Well I'm not sure what you call those nights, maybe 'left over night' or 'toast night', 'baked beans night' or 'get it yourself night', but in our house we call it 'Milo & Toast Night'. For me, it has always been 'Milo & Toast Night' and it always will be 'Milo & Toast Night'! Leilani even named her and Emily's toy puppies Milo and Toast so I couldn't wait until she was old enough so I could teach her the real meaning of 'Milo & Toast' (much to Michael's disgust!) Leilani is now a 4th generation dunker and she LOVES it! I was taught, along with my other brothers and sisters (much to my mother's disgust) by my dad the REAL WAY to eat Milo and Toast, and he was taught, along with his brothers and sisters, by his mother. We are still working out who taught her and I believe they actually use to do it with tea! So there you have it - the story of the Milo & Toast!

In case any of you are interested in trying it out, here is exactly what you do:

1. Make your Milo to your own liking and cook your toast so it pops just as the kettle is boiling.
2. Spread your toast with a nice thin layer of Vegemite and cut into rectangles (squares are best for littlies!)
3. Smile for the camera

4. And Dip! Don't dip too much though or you may have to fish it out later. Dip just enough for a nice size bite!

5. Give a little tap on the side of the mug and then...

6. Eat!

6. Repeat until all your toast is gone. If you are a beginner expect a few splashes on the table!

7. Feel free to enjoy a few sips from your mug during your experience!


lauracritchfield said...

Lani's hair is getting really long. I can't believe it. I also can't believe that she is a "dunker" Mick will be sooo proud..HAHA

ali b said...

one of our clients from the salon used to call it 'catch and kill' night - catch whatever you can,
then kill and eat it...!!

emma_williams said...

I am a dunker too, but I think I am the only one in my family. Eddy thinks it is disgusting.

Kate Jury said...

That is truly gross!!! Our nights are called "whatever you want" nights and Ethan loves them!

Dan and Lou said...

That's cute... I had a friend that called those dinners geturone (get-your-own-y)! I used to think that was pretty funny. But it was a while ago now....

Clare said...

I have never seen that done before!

Nikki said...

I think we might have to try that one night... I KNOW Livy would love it!!! xx

Michael Challis said...

Hmmm....just so my position on this madness is quite clear - why the hell would anybody want to eat soggy, milo-dripping wet Vegemite toast?!!! I mean I like Vegemite on toast just like any good self-respecting Aussie, but let's be sensible! Eat your toast, drink your Milo, but please don't mix them together.

You may have guessed that I do not partake in this Carmichael 'tradition', and I have something much healthier and much more of a delicacy when this is happening at our house - Baked Beans on toast! Now there's a meal!

PS Love you Han ;->

Donna said...

hahaha, that sounds truly disgusting. But I am glad that you all enjoy it tha is apart form Michael :) Love the pics that go along with it.x

Debbie said...

Yes well I'm with Mick, It's one Carmichael tradition I do not participate in!

Elle said...

I PARTICIPATE IN IT! And i even got one of my companions to try it too!! - yeah she doesn't participate in it now either... hm...

Liseee said...

I've always thought this was sooo gross. But you guys used to do it all the time when we were little. I am not suprised at all that Lani likes it she is a mini you... Lisa xx

Bride said...

Ohhhh, sory Hannah but that sounds gross!!!! BUT having said that, My George loves dipping and dunking all sorts of weid things, so he would probably like it...
I think a few people do this, but he loves dipping his fries in strawberry thick shakes???

Poppa said...

Whatever makes you happy! I used to love condensed milk on bread! Topped with Milo was even better!!

Let's see Mick try this one and he can share it with the girls.

Will the girls get to try the Tim Tam Slam??


The Kings said...

Oh yuck - soggy bread!!!? Sounds interesting, but not something I will try myself :)

Hannah Challis said...

Ok... So thanks everyone for all the comments/storys about what you call your milo and toast nights!!! Just to clear one thing up though - and I do totally understand that you would think that it would be gross, but I do just have to say that the toast dosn't get soggy and yucky if you dip it just right - and you eat it quick enough!!! Its great! LONG LIVE THE MILO AND TOAST! :-)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!