Thursday, 3 April 2008

Windy Weather

This is where the branch from our tree ended up

This is where our wheelie bin ended up

Well, I don't know how you slept but we didn't get much sleep at all. What a windy and rainy night. It felt like a jumbo jet was flying around our house. Leilani woke at some stage crying out that the wind was scaring her - she doesn't like the wind on a normal day so I did feel sorry for her. She ended up sleeping in with us, well, she slept while I laid there wondering if our roof was going to blow off! So when we got up this morning at 7.00 it felt like I hadn't even been to bed!  We found our wheelie bin in the garden along with a few other foreign objects and a branch from our front tree hanging over the footpath. All in all it wasn't too bad and I was very thankful that Mick was home to go out and clean all the mess up. But I hate those mornings where you wonder how you are going to get through the day because your eyes are burning and just won't stay open. It hasn't turned out too bad though - a trip to Kidz Bizz fixes anything! 
I was impressed to find that when we got home from Kidz Bizz the council had been around to cut up our tree branch. Mick says with a smile 'well, that's what you pay your rates for!' They will be back with a chipper later apparently. So we thought we might go add a few more things to the pile!!!!

1 comment:

Kate Jury said...

hey! i totally understand the sleep deprivation that wednesday night brought!!!! i only got about 2 hours sleep and then spent the rest of the time awake with ethan!!!! definately was not a fun night :)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!