Tuesday, 22 April 2008

The Big Decision...

Because I'm here most evenings on my own I am usually pretty organised, well I have to be other wise I get no 'me time' but every now and then, something gets a little changed and it ends up being 7.00pm and I haven't yet cleaned up the kitchen. I hate that - but it happens. So here I am, kids in bed, husband out at meetings and I have to make that big decision - what am I going to do? There is so much on offer.... I know what I should be doing, and that's cleaning up the kitchen but all these ideas are running through my head - as they do every evening at 7.00pm when the house goes quiet but it's so much harder when your 'work is not yet done' :-). I hate getting up to a messy house but ohhhhhh boy look at all these things I could be doing rather than washing up.... I could......

Prepare my primary lesson
Get sharing time ready
Do some scrap booking
Do some blogging
Watch some telly ( I like the Biggest Loser!)
Check my Email
Do some blogging
Do some blogging
Do some blogging

And there just the things I want to do.... then I've got the things I really need to do....

Clean the kitchen up
Fold the washing
Read my scriptures

So what am I going to do.......
Maybe I'll just do a little bit of blogging.... and then I'll clean the kitchen!!!!
And just a little bit more blogging (I hope you are reading 'little bit' like the way Uncle Arthur says it ..... you know that high voice!!) just a liiitttttle bit ....!!!!

Note.... Please don't come and visit me in the morning!!!


Elle said...

The kitchen cleaning will always be there, but your thoughts and stuff you put on your blog will be gone if you don't do it now.

Just do a Liiitttlle bit of blogging!

Elle said...

Sorry that was Debbie.Elle didn't sign out. I forgot.

Ange Harriss said...

Well han I am glad that you did a little big of blogging and didn't clean the kitchen! xx

The Kings said...

I hate waking up to a messy house too, but sometimes I just think too bad. I also love watching The Biggest Loser! :)

Nikki said...

Yes the "big decision" is so annoying!! Your house is perfect Han. I dont think it could ever get messy!!! :)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!