Wednesday 9 April 2008

The Faerie Shop

Last week I finally took Leilani to the 'Faerie Shop' in Salamanca. I have been wanting to take her there for a long time but have never got around to doing it. So when we were in Salamanca for Emily's immunisations I took the chance. Leilani loved it and Emily stressed me out! It's not really big enough for a pram so I had to hold her, she was very good to start with and didn't touch but after a few minute she couldn't handle it and started having a lovely time touching everything. So we had to hurry along! The Fairy put some special glitter stuff on Lani's cheeks and hands and told her a story. She was amazed and loved watching 2 other little girls in there who had a very strong English accent. Listening to them speak was really nice and made me feel like I was in a magical place!!!! Anyway, so Leilani was allowed to pick out something special and as you can see she chose this feather pen. I think they have a fancy name for it, but I don't know what that is so I will just call it a feather pen! On the way home she was very concerned that Emily didn't get anything (so sweet!) I told her maybe Emily could get something next time! When we got home I found her chickenfeed fairy letter set and she sat down and wrote a letter. I'm not sure who it was for, I can't remember. Anyway, I'm sure we will be visiting the fairies at the Faerie Shop again!

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Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!