Friday, 13 June 2008

A Big Day for Lani

Leilani was so tired by bed time tonight that she didn't even ask for more books! She was a very lucky girl today because this morning Will and Meea came for a visit, (Sorry I didn't get any photos) and brought along their homemade biscuits to share! Leilani was so excited to have them come and play and had a wonderful time being the host. Although not always a very good one - sorry about Will and Meea. I think at one stage they were seeing who could laugh the loudest because they were all laughing so hard and there certainly wasn't anything funny going on!!  Jaclyn is always saying her kids are strange - now I know why! :-) I had a nice time with Jaclyn, even amongst all the noise! It's always nice to have someone to talk to and she brought some really yummy cake too! But Lani's day didn't end there. After Will and Meea said there good byes, Lani went and had a play at Grandmas because Jenna and Locke were over there having some holiday fun! And what did Lani get greeted with when she arrived.... home made biscuits and cupcakes! What a lucky girl! So more playing went on until finally - for Grandma and Aunty Elle, it was time to go home. What a big fun day for such a little girl. I think she was a little hyperactive for most of it, but hopefully she will sleep that off tonight!


1 comment:

Poppa said...

Dear Hannah,

What a wonderful daughter you are to us and we just love the way you put such beautiful thoughts and pictures together to make a precious tapestry about our grandchildren.
Thank you for being such a treasure in the life of our son and our family. We are so blessed with your sweet nature and beautiful talents, as well as your love.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!