Saturday, 7 June 2008

Rolls Of Film & Waiting For The Sun

I miss the old rolls of film sometimes. The waiting to see what was on them - sometimes after months and months of taking them - was always fun. Remembering the event when you got them back and laughing at  the funny pictures. It's just not like that anymore, especially now I blog - I seem to put my pictures on the computer within a day or two of taking them. We still use films every now and then and I found a full roll the other day so I took it in to get developed - which I must add that I don't miss the price of getting a roll developed! I had no idea what was on it so it was kinda fun. I found out it was a roll from Christmas and we found a few good photos on it. This was one of them: 
Leilani, Jacoba and Kaea hiding in a box! 

Lani has been talking non stop lately. It drives me nuts sometimes, but at least I have someone to talk to I guess! Sometimes she says things just to say something, but other times it's like she has been really thinking things over for a while and then asks about it. She has been very interested in how old everyone is lately.
At about 6.30am the other morning she came into us and I was telling her to go back to sleep for a while, she was really quite and then all of a sudden she says, "Mummy, how many was Emily when she was in your tummy?" And then last night while eating dinner she asks me "How many is baby Zak?" I've been trying to explain that your age is how many birthdays you have had, and when I told her that Zac isn't 1 yet she said, "Oh, but soon he will be 1 like Emily!" It's quite funny really, but she loves knowing what number everyone is and she loves it when she finds out someone is 3 like her! 

Last night I got a bit of a shock actually, I went in to check the girls before I went to bed, like I do every night, but when I opened the door Lani was laying there looking at me - I tucked her in and told her to go back to sleep and she sat up and said "I'm just going to sit here and wait for the sun to come up!!!" I'm like 'okay!' So I left her and in a few minutes she was asleep again!!  Weird Child!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I used to LOVE getting photos developed and re-living all the fun memories...I haven't had that experience in ages!!
Love you new layout too. Looks great. xx

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!