Sunday, 24 August 2008

Lani & Emily Reunite!

Leilani went and visited Grandma on Saturday morning while Daddy was fixing our change table in Grandad's garage. Emily was asleep in bed so when Daddy left to go to work to study Lani decided she would like to stay and play at Grandmas for a while. She had a lovely morning and helped Grandma make some new clothes for one of Grandmas special dolls. When Emily and I turned up to see what was going on Lani and Emily were very excited to see each other! This is how it went....


The Kings said...

So cute!

Liseee said...

that's sooo cute Han!!!! They love each other so much!!!

Bride said...

They are adorable little sisters!

lauracritchfield said...

what's in the bag?

Nikki said...

They are so cute. Real besties for sure!
We need to catch up!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!