Friday, 15 August 2008

Poor Little Emily

This morning Leilani was trying to 'help' Emily onto the bed and nearly pulled her arm off! Okay slight exaggeration there, but basically they were playing in the bedroom when I hear Emily crying, she came out holding her arm, and looking quite sad. She was also looking a little tired so after asking Lani what happened and settling Emily down I put her to bed. She kept waking up  though - crying and would be laying perfectly still when I would go in there - so I gave her some Panodol and she slept for about an hour, but when she woke she was quite upset - which is very unusual.  She wouldn't lift her arm and was holding it very stiff. Even though I thought everything was okay I was a  little worried so I took her to the Doctor - just in case. He said she was fine, and to just keep giving Panodol. He said this happens to children a lot. Gave me a name for the pain but I don't know what that was! It seems to be in her shoulder - where Lani tried to pull her arm out of it's socket! Anyway, Emily is fine, but has been pretty miserable all day. She just drags her arm around and cries every now and again. It looks like its still hurting, but she has gone to bed fine, after having a little rest on  the couch after her bath. My poor little angel. 

As for the arm puller - she had a fantastic day! Ange and I had planned on taking the kids to Kids Bizz for a few hours because it's been so cold and wet, and playing out side is a 'no no' for me! Anyway, after hearing me on the phone to Ange, Lani was very quick to tell me that Aunty Ange will come and pick her up and take her and Locke to Kids Bizz, while I take Emily to the doctor!! And that's what happened too! So Lani and Locke had a great day! Thanks Ange.


Bride said...

Oh poor little Emily, she does look a bit sad there on the couch!
I think i remember that happening to one of Blanche's kids, but i think that the shoulder was dislocated... Hope that's not Emily's case!!!
btw... congratulations to Mick on the last post!
Thanks for your last comment on my blog Hannah, really appreciated it x

Bride said...

Oh poor little Emily, she does look a bit sad there on the couch!
I think i remember that happening to one of Blanche's kids, but i think that the shoulder was dislocated... Hope that's not Emily's case!!!
btw... congratulations to Mick on the last post!
Thanks for your last comment on my blog Hannah, really appreciated it x

Bride said...

oops... sorry bout the double comment???

Ange Carmichael said...

I tell you what there was so much 'watching mums deal with tantrum kids' people watching going on I was in my element and thinking hehe glad its them and not me!!!

Elle said...

Ange - your SO funny.. and your such a stalker!!
Anyway, Emily looks so cute and sad on the couch.. I am glad that Lani enjoyed HER day at kids bizz.. as for emily I hope he Doctor gave her a lolly... I think I remember my big sister pulling my arm out of it's socket once.... ok so maybe I made that bit up.. but it could have happened!!

lauracritchfield said...

Wait till I get my hands on that little arm puller!

Gail Challis said...

Poor Emily. You have to give her a big hug from Grandma and Poppa to help her feel better. I like Leilani's quick thinking!!! What a girl.

Michele said...

I can remember that happening to Melanie I pulled her arm and she got very upset she would'nt move it for 3 days and now she has it happen about every 2 years her arm does get pulled our

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!