Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Moving out of 13A Willowbend Road... forever

On Sunday 12th January we sold our house! I have been waiting for the agents to stick the sold sign up so I could take a photo.... but it hasn't happened yet! 
We were very excited about finally selling the house and the timing couldn't have been better, even though it did create a bit of stress during that last week. It feels great to not have to worry about it anymore... and not have 2-3 agents calling every week wanting to come through, I was getting very over it. Settlement is on the 30th January, so goodbye mortgage... for a few years anyway! 

Selling the house was the calm before the storm I think because Monday and Tuesday  (13th & 14th) were very hectic days for us - read our story on the Woolley Mammoth, which turned our one night stay at Mum & Dad's into a nine night stay!! 
It was all for the best though and we really weren't ready to go, so in lots of ways we are very grateful for our last week in TAS
The girls had a wonderful time staying at Grandma & Grandads and playing with Aunty Elle while we cleaned, packed, changed address' and did all the things we didn't get done. It was nice to get a bit of Summer in too!!

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Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!