Saturday 7 March 2009


On Saturday afternoon while Mick was at work I decided to take the girls for a drive, hoping they would have a sleep in the car because they both needed it and were starting to drive me nuts!!! (To much birthday excitement I think!) I headed to Cheddar along the M5, which didn't take me long because the speed limit on dual carriages ways is 70mph, which is about 120kmph. Most cars here speed so even when you are doing the speed limit you still have traffic whizzing past you, kinda crazy really. Anyway, Emily fell asleep after about 10 minutes but Leilani decided to keep me company until we got to Cheddar. We had a little drive around and then headed back home through Wells and Glastonbury, Lani then nodded off in no time! Here are just a couple of snaps along the way.

You see lots of the good old red telephone boxes here, I think they are very cool!!

We crossed the River Yeo, on this tiny narrow bridge - like a lot of the streets are here. You really have to pay attention when driving because half of the time only one car can fit along the town streets so you have to give way all the time. 

Everything in Cheddar seemed to be made out of stone, it was nice to see a 'detached house' as most places we have seen are attached. I love the stone walls the most and can't help but think about the many men who must have laboured away to build them. 

This is The Parish Church of St Andrews, Cheddar

1 comment:

Elle said...

very good photography while driving hannha!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!