Monday 2 March 2009


Last Saturday we took a trip to Exeter, which is a 45 minute drive south.  So we left Somerset for the first time since being here. Exeter is Devon's capital and felt much more 'city like' than Taunton. It had quite a classy feel to it and the shopping looked great! Our trip was kinda cut short cause Lani had a tummy ache so we spent most of our time there finding a toilet! But we didn't mind too much as we know we will visit again.... maybe for a shopping trip or something!!!!!! 

Exeter is surrounded by sections of Roman and medieval wall and the street plan hasn't changed much since the Romans first laid out what is now the main street. There are lots of cobbled streets and narrow alleys which gives the town such an 'old feel' - I love that.

We really want to go back so that we can go and have a little look-see in this huge Cathedral. We were heading in when Lani got another tummy attack  (it costs 3 pounds pp) so we headed back out before having to pay but the site inside was amazing, quite breath-taking really so we are looking forward to getting back there. Exeter's cathedral is one of the most gloriously ornamented in Britain - you just have to look at it to know that I guess. It was built in the 14th Century.... I can't believe I'm looking at stuff that old!!!!!!  Make's you realise that Australia is quite young really!

This is the West Front, the largest single collection (66) of medieval figure sculptures in England, it includes kings, apostles and prophets.

World War II bombing destroyed a lot of Exeter's city centre.  

While here we experienced paying to go the toilet for the first time! 

Looking down to the River Exe where we found a little park for the girls to have a play.

Exeter gets it's name from the River Exe, along with Exmoor. 

We really enjoyed our little trip to the Big City and look forward to going back... for some shopping!!! (Just kidding Mick!) 


Debbie said...

I have been watching a show on ABC TV about that Church on Sunday night. (cant spell the other C word). Its been quite interesting, but I usually fall asleep during it!

maree said...

Enjoying learning about the history of England first hand from someone whos having agreat time. All sounds very interesting. Makes you want to be there.

Poppa said...

Sounds like Hannah needs an allowance Mick! Perhaps she can help the British economy get through the financial difficulties.

The Kings said...

Paying to go to the loo! Funny. Love hearing about what you are up to.

Ange Harriss said...

Love Lani's glasses in the park picture! haha you guys seem to be having so much fun! Keep the blogs coming

Chelsea Parsons said...

oh Han, loving your posts! Great to see you having a fabulous time.

Ange Carmichael said...

I just looked up the site for this cathedral, Wow, so much history I wana be there too! Maybe you could take your cam and give is a virtual online tour everywhere you go - we LOVE ichat, how much fun is that, hope Lani had a great day :)

Kate Jury said...

love reading all about your trip... sounds like you guys are having a great time!

The Kings said...

Hey Hannah - I think you need to update your profile as it says 'we live in Kingston'! :)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!