Thursday 19 March 2009

She'll Be Right Mate

Today we did some cooking... I really don't like cooking all that much - getting dinner ready every night is enough cooking for me so I usually try and avoid baking during the day!! Lani loves it though and now that Grandma and Aunty Elle aren't around I guess I will have to do it with her more often! I guess it's not that bad, it just makes so much mess and I get sick of washing up! I guess it was worth it though and hearing Lani say "I am having so much fun!'  makes you feel pretty good!! But I still can't wait to get back home so Grandma can take care of the cooking classes again and I can sit back and have a rest! We do miss those yummy cookies and cupcakes that Grandma makes.... not to mention our regular Sunday Baked Tea being cooked for us every week without fail... Sundays just aren't the same anymore! (We were spoilt.... I know!) 

Leilani also had her first swimming lesson today... she was very excited until I told her I wouldn't be getting in with her and then she decided she might like to wait until she is a bit bigger to have swimming lessons!! We went though... and yes, she cried and didn't want to get in, but the teacher just took her anyway and she calmed down pretty quickly. It didn't look like she was enjoying it much though and she clung to the edge when ever the teacher wasn't right by her side!! I felt pretty nervous for her and it seemed to be the longest 30 minutes ever!! She loves swimming but usually has one of us in with her holding her the whole time, so I can understand why it was all a bit strange and scary. She was excited once we got home and I think she will be okay next week... we will try and get to the pool a couple of times this week so she can practice with her floaties. 

Oh, and Leilani fell over on the way home and landed on her knees quite hard... it looks pretty sore so I hope it doesn't take to long to clear up (luckily Aunty Laura sent her about 200 trendy band aids). The footpaths are pretty dangerous here... if they aren't cobbled (which looks lovely, and displays so much history - but a PAIN to walk & push a pram on) then they are all sorts of other stuff, with heaps of holes and cracks and the texture is always changing, so it's no surprise we had a fall.

I have had a bit of a lonely day today -  even though we were quite busy. I don't understand why life has to be so hard sometimes. Why can't things just be merry and jolly all the time? It's days like today that I just feel tired, nothing can cheer me up really - I just have to get through the day and hope that I wake up the next morning in a much better mood! (Which I usually do). Often I don't even know why I feel the way I do, although I do find my most miserable days come when I am way behind with the house work so I feel like I never have any 'free time'.  I just feel like there is too much to do and I can't cope. (This is why I like to have a clean house... it helps me relax!) I know everyone has a bad day every now and again... but when you are having one, you really feel like you are the only one!!! Oh well.... she'll be right mate!!


Bride said...

hey Hannah, i know where you are coming from as far as having a clean house and if it's not, it doesn't make you feel the greatest.
I think we a very similar as far as being clean freaks!
In some ways it's really good, but in others it can become very stressful.
It doesn't help that your living in a different country with no family!
If things were merry and jolly all the time, we wouldn't appreciate the good times as much!
Just wanted to let you know, i'm with you on this post... Have had a few days like this over the last week too!

Stephen and Chernoa said...

Hannah im sorry to hear your having crappy days. We miss you guys heaps. You do look like your getting out a bit... i cant believe you guys are nearly half way there and then you will be home:)take care!

Claire said...

Can't be as bad as the gastro - Riley just walked in from school and vomited tomatoes all over the kitchen floor. I think I'm gonna get a little taste of what you went through last week:(

Hannah Challis said...

You're right Claire... nothing is as bad as the gastro!! I was on a high for 3 days after we had the gastro - so excited to just get up and off the couch... but then reality hit again and I realized how much I had to catch up on!!! Hope you guys don't all get it... thinking of poor little Riley!

Ange Carmichael said...

Yep she'll be right mate! Tomorrow is a new day (well actually probably today is for you now) hehe! We just have to ride the waves as best we can...xx.
Lani will love swimming - takes them a few lessons to warm up...Jenna and Locke are hanging out to start their lessons again.

The Kings said...

It must be so hard being so far away, I often have days where I'm feeling crap but for no particular reason - it must be a girl thing! LOL Hope tomorrow is a better one for you.

Elle said...

Glad Lani loved to cook with ya - it is a pain in the butt, but theres nothing better than eating what you've just created.. lol... before you know it, I'll be over there scabbing all your food, so you better cook up lots of cakes and get some good practice in :) I've saved $3.67 already.. WOOOO!!

lauracritchfield said...

Yeah having a clean house is nice. It's a bit hard cause you don't want to just stay home all day and clean and wash but if you don't you feel like crap when you do get I went shopping yesterday on my half day off and it was great - then I got home and realised how much I still had to do and then I had to work for 4 hours - so nothing got done and now I guess my weekend will be filled with housework...damn it

Gail Challis said...

Something a wise person told me once.....DUST WON'T RUST. I try to remember that when I want a clean house and it just is not coming together for some reason or another.
Tell Lani that grandma is swimming too and when we come over we might be able to go together and I can show her my exercises and she can show me what she can do in the water. So keep practising Lani and we can have show and tell!!! Miss you heaps. Lots of hugs and kisses for all of you. Grandma.

Poppa said...

Poppa's motto - If you can find a path from bedroom to kitchen, and get to the bathroom, then the house is organised! I've practised when Gail was away! Anyone can do it for a while.
Hope your days pick up with the feel of spring.

Jaclyn Quarrier said...

Good blog Han. I have had a bad few weeks to and I just feel like staying in bed all day long and doing nothing and as for a clean house, I am so over having my house for sale and having to have everything spotless all the time, I am sick of kids getting things out and not packing them away because it is "just too hard Mum". I really wonder why we actually clean our houses of late!!! Anyway, hope your next couple of weeks are not as bad as the past couple. Luv and miss you guys. xxxx

Aimee said...

i'm with you on the clean house thing...mine seems to be a constant bomb shell at the moment and it makes my mind feel so cluttered.
hope things improve for you soon- i'm sure next week will be a good one! (that's what i tell myself after i've had a bad week)

Rebecca said...

Haha! I get you Han. it seems like you are about to just crack though and you get given that extra tiny bit of energy to wash the dishes and tidy the lounge for the 10th time that day. It is so hard to feel happy and relaxed when the house is a mess though. I think when you feel like that next just say "stuff it" and go out some where - at least you will feel good til you get home!! xx

Chelsea Parsons said...

I liked reading everyone elses comments! Lucky for me Im not a clean freak! I have the dust wont rust thing happening in my head!!!! Hattie got a tick down the Huon on Sunday so my day and night have been all about consoling her cause it hurt! Dont tell Lani that Hattie quit her swim lessons after 4 in a row where she wouldn't get in!!!!! Miss ya!

make it perfect said...

hope you start feeling a bit more settled soon hannah. i can only imagine how hard it must be to go to a brand new place not knowing anyone or anything. how is church? is there a mothers group or something you can go to?

Nettie's Blog said...

A little dust will turn into more and that is easier to can see it better.... "dont sweat the small stuff" another saying i was told once and just how small is dust????? "once a week is good enough"germs cant give birth in that time LOL.... a bit of RS advice...put the vacumn cleaner in the middle of the loungeroom so when you get visitors they think you were just about ready to start..... relax and read your book the one you have stashed under the cushions on the couch with that box of choccies...chocolate is the best thing out for the blues....but ask Elle what a clean freak Nettie was!!!! i am getting better with old age..... love visisting your blog thanks for inviting me and i love you music taste taste i love all the songs you have chosen...WWWWoooH i am still young at heart that means...cheer up it will get better with the sunshine and the chance to be out enjoying it with the to Lani from Hatties Nanna....(opps and you all)

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!