I was very excited to see this little beauty pop up in the garden a few weeks ago. Nan Carmichael gave me a few things out of her garden when I was starting mine last year and so I have had to wait to see what they have all flowered into. It's been quite exciting. I had to laugh when I saw this one though because it reminded me of the Dennis the Menace movie where Mr Wilson has all his guests over to see his spectacular flower that only blooms once and for only about 5 seconds.... which happens to be right when Dennis opens the garage door, knocking over the food table and everyone starts screaming!!!.... missing the flower!!! lol
It's such a beautiful flower I asked Mick to go and take a picture for me... actually I think that was his punishment after her 'weeded' some of annuals while we were away.... he thought they were weeds, turns out they weren't!!! (In his defence... they did look like big thistles.... they were those dried paper looking flower things!! So I wasn't too harsh on him!!)
I'm going to miss my little garden!
that's a cool flower and great little garden you've made there Han.
I understand your excitement (and how much you will miss it!). After three weeks in Tassie, I've just gotten back to an ALMOST dead garden and last night I was watering at midnight trying to get everything alive again!
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