Saturday, 24 May 2008

Cute, Adorable, Sweet, Happy

This is Emily in her Finland Hat that Aunty Elle gave her! She seems to like wearing hats at the moment - especially this one! Usually I put them on and she is flicking them straight off again but lately she has been finding them in her drawers and trying to put them on herself! She seemed very proud to be wearing this hat and she wore it over to show Grandma, Grandad and Aunty Elle - who all thought she looked very cute! 


Bride said...

What a cool little beanie! I love hats and I love that first photo of Emily, (cute look on her face)

Nikki said...

Soooo cute...great for the cold winter days coming up!!

lauracritchfield said...

can she ride her bike with that hat on? Lucky she's cute or I would actually feel sorry for her..LOL

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!