Monday, 19 May 2008

Me and My Girls

Every day seems to have it's ups and downs - especially being at home with kids. One minute everyone is playing happily and then the next someone is grizzling about something! One minute you're feeling excited about something new one of them has said or done and the next you're wondering how to overcome a certain  bad behaviour or naughty act! I never knew Motherhood would be so rewarding but at the same time so challenging! But I don't think I would want it any other way - you take away the reward and you're only left with the challenge - no thanks. But at the same time if you take away the challenge you're only left with the reward, which doesn't seem much of a reward if there was never a challenge to get it! Just Me and My Girls - what a way to spend the day!


Melinda Harriss said...

what a nice photo, very sweet!

Bron Williams said...

hannah this is gorgeous.I love all your scriptures an all things Mormon.aaaand the shopping trip.fanatstic.The book i just read suggested us Mums do this every six months(get some time away from the family).man shopping in melbouren is sooooo good for the soul i havent done it since i was single.thansk for the idea:)(although living in sydney was great for shopping...miss it
anyway have a great week
love Bron:)

Bron Williams said...

oh sorry im a bit of a long comment girl but just remembered too.a very good friend in sydney has the name it.she is beautiful inside and out.
your Lani very cute...both your gilrs are...but you know that huh:)

Marnie said...

What a sweet picture- mmm, is that a new jacket from a certain recent trip away???

The Kings said...

Your girls are so cute.

Ange Harriss said...

That is such a lovely photo Han!!

Donna said...

whata gorgeous family you have Hannah. I totally agree with you on Motherhood. It is one of the hardest things I have EVER done and yet it is one of the most rewarding things I will ever experience. You have such a beautiful family, and that pic is adorable. x

Ange Carmichael said...

Cute photo Han!!

Bride said...

That's such a cute photo, looks like you guys are off shopping or something? Can't wait to do that with Mia....

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!