Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Every Morning

Pretty much every morning without fail, Leilani and Emily sit out in the lounge room in front of the TV on their Pooh Bear couch eating Nutragrain and watching TV. This usually happens around 7am while I am still having a little sleep-in. They are so good and they love each other so much! A while back we were lucky enough to be able to purchase a DVD recorder. Having not had a VCR for a very long time I had forgotten how great it was to record TV shows. I love it, and the DVD recorder makes it soooooo easy. We have lots of Play Schools recorded as that is their favourite show. I am a bit of a fan myself! Especially when I get to sleep in while they watch! Leilani learns alot from Play School so I don't mind her watching it and I know Emily is already learning things from it too. Speaking of TV... when are they going to put some good shows on??? There is pretty much nothing at all on TV at the moment that I like to watch. Except for Grey's and Brothers and Sisters. It sucks!


lauracritchfield said...

Don't take your eyes off the tv for the camera though...man whatever they were watching must have been intense - only time to grab some more nutrugrain..LOL...what cute little kids.

Elle said...

haha.. i was just thinking the same thing Laura..
are you sure it was just play school that was on Hannah? I don't remeber it being that intense when I was a kid.

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!