Monday, 5 May 2008

A Man and His Shed

Wow, things really happen when your husband has a few days off from work and study - it's amazing! After months and months of wanting to clean out the shed we finally did it! Mick was in his element and stayed out there all day! I helped for a while, but thought it would be best to leave him to it - you know let him bond a bit! 

The before shots:

The After Shots:

It feels so BIG now and it's a pleasure to get the lawn mower out!!! I'm sure you are all shocked that our shed was in such a mess! (or maybe not!) But think of it like that 'special cupboard' that Monica had!!!! (When Chandler thought Richard was in there!)


Debbie said...

Looks like the bike rack finally found a home.

Liseee said...

That's sooo funny Hanna. Your secret cupboard.. who were you hiding in there???

Donna said...

hmm, just wondering Han if in that second pic.. is that a bed covered by those blankets????? Looks like one, a little lumpy but the mind starts to wonder. hehe!!

ali b said...

I have lots of 'special monica cupboards'!!

lauracritchfield said...

I just saw that episode where Chadler and Joey were trying to open the cupboard and they lost the credit card in there...pretty damn funny when they decide to just rip the door off...HAHAHA

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!