Monday, 19 May 2008

Emily May

There is so much to be said about our sweet little Emily... she is so adorable and we love her so much. I keep finding bits of paper laying around with words that she can say and  things that she is doing on it - I mean to put them in her baby book but I always seem to get distracted so I thought I had better do a post before it's too late! From about 13 months she has been quite vocal - much earlier than Leilani was. Her first words were 'No' and 'Oh' and very soon after came 'Ta, morree, shozz (shoes), up, bye bye, book, gone and ball. She understood 'Put it up, where's your dummy? (would go and look for it) go and get... (things like books, cup, ball etc)'. She is 15 months now and she understands a lot more things, these are some of the things I can think of: She goes and puts her rubbish in the bin, brushes her hair and her teeth and even says brush and eye. She nods for yes and shakes for no and will dance and run when you tell her to. She loves to play hide and seek and shouts out BOO whenever she can. She squats down for 'Jack in the Box' and rows with her arms for 'Row Row Your Boat'. She folds her arms for prayers and won't eat her breakfast until prayer is said. She gets out the cordial from the pantry and brings it over to me if she wants a drink. Oh and one of her favourite words is 'Dora' and when ever she sees Dora she aways says 'Dora Dora Dora!' She also has a great love for books already and I will quite often find her sitting at the book shelf surrounded by books she has 'read'! She adores Leilani and loves following her around - which most of the time Lani enjoys. She makes a funny pig noise and neighs like a horse - she even does the clicking trotting sound with her mouth! She gives big long cuddles and kisses and is a really good sleeper most of the time. I had better stop - I'm sure I could go on forever! These are just some of the things our baby girl can do and I don't want to forget them. She is growing up so much it's hard to believe. xx


Carli said...

beautiful pose, all those special memories. I have a Dora lover too.

Gail Challis said...

What a hunk of a Poppa!!! He just loves his special girls and enjoys the close up hugs that Emily gives him. Grandma

Nikki said...

Emily is so sweet.
I laughed about her singing "dora dora dora"! Livy has just started doing that!!
And Lani's 'side head' pose is VERY funny. xx

Ange Carmichael said...

Emily's expression cracks us up every time!!

Because everyday is different and we can't remember them all, I thought I had better start writing them down. Welcome to life in the Challis home - where everyday is different!