We will start with a pair of boots will we!? These were a very good buy from the DFO! Jaclyn is very proud of these ones!
A very fashionable Cardi...
and a vest... nice modeling there Jac!
This is my favourite picture.... if you click on it and enlarge it (sorry Jac) you will see her awesome face expression! I'm not sure what she is pulling out of that bag but it doesn't look good... maybe she just saw her credit card balance!!!! lol
The new wallet! Cause she 'really' needed one!
And a jumper for Will. Very nice buy again!
WHAT... you stopped for Burger Rings?? I don't believe it!
Jac sitting amongst all her goodies!
And there you have it... sadly show and tell is over! It was MUCH more exciting for us obviously because we were there and got to see EVERYTHING! But as you can see from all the empty bags and things laying around... YOU didn't even see half of it!!
That is great blogging Han! I wish I had of taken more photos! I might take your card to Big W so I can scrap book our Melbourne Trip!! That is an awesome post though! I am very impressed!!
By my calculations Jaclyn has the biggest pile of loot. Or is it just the way she has it displayed?
Next time you should all have to spend the exact same amount of money and see who gets the best buys!
Totally cool show and tell!!! Great bargains too!!
Great post Han. thanks for the close up!!! I wish we were back there.
Nice posting and tripping guys! Looks like you bought the whole of DFO what the hell is going to happen next year - now that you have a year to save up!!! YIKES!
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